Chapter 7

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It's currently 2am. Why you ask? Well, Charlie, Leo, Victoria and I have to go down to London for the breakfast news program Good Morning Britain. It's Charlie and I's interview mentioning all the press stuff but they're performing Stay Strong so Leo's needed too. Victoria's coming for the fun of it, but she's my best friend so it's okay.

"Charlie," I whispered shaking him slightly.

"What?" He groaned turning over.

"We need to get down to the interview, come on get up," I replied basically pushing him off of the bed. I left him to it as Charlie's not much of a morning person so I just hopped in the shower and quickly washed my hair and body. I could hear Leo and Victoria in the next room getting up. When I came out, I put a towel around myself and sat at the dressing table in the bathroom to quickly dry my hair, trying not to be too loud because the Overload boys were all still asleep. I mean, it is 2am for crying out loud! Once dry, I left it natural; straight and down. I decided to do my makeup and get dressed properly once I was there because it's like a 4 and a half hour drive. I put my joggers and a vest top on and grabbed Charlie's hoodie which was still in the bathroom. As I walked back into the bedroom, Charlie was sat topless on the edge of the bed. Why does he do this to me?

"You know pictures last longer," he smirked looking up from his iPhone. I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Was I staring?" I asked shyly.

"Just a little baby, but I don't mind, you're my girl so it's okay," Charlie said standing up and kissing me on the lips. "Is this my hoodie?"

"Maybe..." I said flashing a mischievous smile. "It smells like you,"

"I wonder why!" Charlie said sarcastically. We back a duffel bag of our outfits for the interview and also put Leo and Victoria's in as well. Once I was ready, I went downstairs to see Victoria at the door waiting.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Morning, you ready for today?"

"Don't think so. I don't get why they want to interview us on stuff like this, was it not publicised enough?"

"I know Em but after today it'll be finished with then there's the tour," Victoria reminded.

"Oh yeah, I'm so excited for that! Where's Leo?"

"Putting the duffel bag in the back of the mini bus,"


"Where's Charlie?"

"Texting Brooke I think but not sure," as soon as them words had left my tired lips, Charlie walked downstairs and Leo walked inside. I gave Leo and massive hug to say good morning.

"We ready to go?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah I think so," I said.

"Come on princess," Leo said pulling Victoria's hand in direction of the mini bus and Charlie and I followed behind, locking the door. The bus was warm which was nice. We buckled in and the driver set off.

"I'm going to go to sleep Char," I said putting my feet on his lap.

"You just get comfy won't cha," he joked in a stupid voice.

"I will thanks,' I grinned.

"I'm being sarcastic," he said seriously.

"Really?" I replied, purposefully being sarcastic.


"Same, but I am going to sleep,"

"Go on then baby. We'll be woken up when we are there anyway,"

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