Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Before we went to Becca's, I quickly hopping in the shower to try to look presentable as I'm still in jogging bottoms and a baggy t-shirt. Once out, I did my hair in a round braid, applying light makeup ad my skin looked quite clear this time of year.

I decided upon my black, ripped, skinny jeans, my white and black checked loose top/blouse and my Chanel shoes. I think it looked quite nice. Charlie had just changed his top to his burgundy jumper. Cutie.

"Beautiful babe," he said gripping my waist and pulling me in for a hug.

"Shut up," I giggled. Even though we've been going out (on and off) the past what? 3 years? Charlie still makes me giggle and blush every time he gives me some sort of compliment.

We left the house, quickly telling Karen where we're going so she shouldn't worry if she went upstairs to find us gone. In the car on the way to the house, Charlie and I started talking about the wedding.

"Do you realise it's only 2 months away until I can call you mine forever?" Charlie asked, keeping an eye out on the road.

"It's come around quick. Wow, 2 months until I'll be Mrs Lenehan,"

"That is if you take my second name," He pointed out.

"And why wouldn't I take your name Char?"

"I'm just checking. I want you to take my name too baby," Charlie smiled whilst stroking my leg. He can be such a weirdo.

"I can't wait, everything's finally falling into place," I sighed happily as I realised how my life has sorted itself out massively recently.

"It did for me when I met you,"

"You're so soppy," I laughed.

"How many kids do you want in the future?" Charlie said, quickly changing subject.

"By the end three. But I'd want the first to be quite a few years older. What about you?"

"Probably the same. Two boys and a girl. I want the girl to be the youngest do the boys will protect her. She'll be a daddy's girl,"

"I'll take her shopping, for her nails doing..." I started.

"... Spending all my money," Charlie laughed.

"I'm not actually that bad at spending. Besides, before we even think about kids, I want us to live in our own house,"

"And what would your perfect house look like?"

"A cute cottage that looked old on the outside but it was super modern on the inside. A big garden, for when we have kids, to play in. A decking with an open sitting area with a fire pit in the middle and a canopy that can go over it when it's raining. Five bedrooms; one for us, one for all the kids and a spare for when someone stays over. The loft converted into a dance stroke recording stroke practise studio. In the kitchen slash open plan kitchen and dining room; a breakfast bar to do work on or do homework whilst one of us is cooking tea. At the front, a cobblestone path leading up with a white fence around the front garden with plants and flowers along the border of the grass to all contrast with the modern inside. And swinging baskets next to the door. That would be my perfect house," I explained going into a little daydream.

"That sounds perfect," Charlie smiled.

We eventually pulled up next to Becca's house. As the car isn't on the drive, I'm presuming her parents are out. I got out the car, Charlie being hot on my heels and intertwining our fingers in a reassuring way.

I knocked cautiously on the door...

A/N really like this chapter, thought it was cute! Thank you so much for almost 5K! That's amazing! Can we make this as successful as You Are My World? Aha. Thoughts on this chapter and predictions would be gravely received as always! Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads!
Love ya✌🏼

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