Chapter 50

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It's the twin's first birthday today. It still hasn't quite sunk in that it's been a year. If anything it's brought Charlie and I closer together, not that we weren't before.

"Mummy, daddy, mummy, daddy it's our birthday!" They scream, running onto our bed. We haul them up.

"Happy Birthday! Do you want you're presents?" Charlie asked.

"Yes pwease," they nodded.

"Happy birthday my gorgeous babies," I said putting the presents on the bed. Within the next thirty minutes they ripped threw countless rolls of wrapping paper, something that Charlie and I spent an hour wrapping the presents in last night.

"Told you we shouldn't of wrapped them," Charlie smirked.

"I love you mummy, I love you daddy," they both giggled.

"I love you both more you little munchkins," I said wrestling them onto the bed.

"No one can ever love you as much as we do," Charlie said joining in.

I went downstairs; wearing one of Charlie's long tops. Yes I still wear them, they're comfy and when he's away overnight at a gig, they smell of him so it's comforting as if he's there. I walked into the kitchen to start making their breakfast, Nutella pancakes.

"After the fours years we've been together, you still look great in my clothes," Charlie whispers in my ear whilst looping his arms round my waist. I kissed his soft lips and messed his hair up before walking into the lounge, holding Cody and Sian's breakfasts. I handed Charlie Cody's as we fed them. Peppa Pig will be the death of me. I swear.

The twin's were in the midst of their afternoon nap. This is our window.

"Em, are we putting banners up all around the walls of the lounge?" Charlie asked as I put nibbles out on our large depth windowsill.

"Yeah if there's enough,"

"Em we have enough to cover the town," Charlie laughed. The doorbell rung so I went to answer it, being careful not to knock Charlie off the ladders. It was mum, dad, Jordi, Ollie, Ryan, Andy, Joey, Karen, Brooke, Leo and Victoria.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted.

"SHHHHHH! They're asleep having a nap so they aren't grumpy," I quickly hushed. I welcomed everyone in and they all got stuck in on getting everything perfect. Presents on the counter, food on the windowsill, balloons - well everywhere.

"Joey, I'm balloon man!" Ryan said putting balloons in his mouth and ears. Oh god. Joey burst out laughing along with everyone else. Suddenly, I heard Siân and Cody start crying.

"Everyone hide," Charlie whispered, motioning everyone to get down as we went upstairs hand in hand. I got Siân and Charlie got Cody.

"It's okay princess, it's okay. Mummy's here, you're okay," I soothed, picking her up and holding her tightly.

"Mumma," she said poking my nose and giggling. The five of us headed downstairs. I put her down and grabbed both her and Cody's hand. Charlie gave me one of his award winning smiles as we headed to the lounge.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIÂN AND CODY!" Everyone jumped up and down. The shock must've been too much for them as they both clung to Charlie and I's legs in fear and burst into tears. This time, I grabbed Cody and Charlie got Siân. We got into a little family hug (the four of us).

"Cody. Siân. It's okay baby. Look, it's grandma Angela, Grandad Richard, a Grandma Karen, Auntie Mel, Auntie Brooke, Auntie Victoria, Uncle Jordi, Uncle Leo, Ryan, Joey, Andy and Ollie," Charlie smiled pointing to everyone in turn. They begun giggling and wanting to go down. They ran to all the guests and began laughing.

"I love seeing them happy," I said to Victoria.

"You've worked so hard to get to where you are," she replied.

"Im just happy I've you had my best friend with me," I smiled. It's not been an easy ride. I know it hasn't. But all my family, all together, is all that matters to me.

Cody and Siân were busy as bees opening all of their presents. I don't know who were more excited, the twin's or the Overload boys. Hmmm...

Throughout the day, I noticed Leo kept taking photos.

"Leo, why you talking photos?" I asked him when we were stood at the kitchen.

"To show at their eighteenth. What sort of uncle would I be if I didn't embarrass them!" He defended.

"Point taken," I smirked. "Thank you Leo,"

"Its no problem, it'll be my gift to them,"

"No Leo listen," I said "Thank you for everything from the day we first met to know. You're my best friend. High school wasn't the easiest for either of us and life after wasn't neither. I just want to say thank you for being my best friend, through everything,"

"Aw Emily, I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're my best friend too and I can't thank you enough either. We were there for each other. Love you Emily," he said pulling me into a deep hug.

"Love you too Leo," I said.

Time for cake. Leo, Charlie and Victoria helped me light the candles as mum and Karen got the twins. Pros of half you're family being singers; the happy birthday song sounded great. Andy also plays guitar for us.

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Cody and Siân,
Happy Birthday to you!

The twin's blew out the candles as Charlie and I held the cake in front of them. We gasped and cheered as they did so.

A lot of hours later and everyone had left. We cleaned up as the twins were preoccupied playing with all their new toys.

Once we were all ready for bed, we snuggled on Charlie and I's bed and watched Jungle Book. Cody and Siân were sat at the foot of the bed so they could have a better look whilst I was laid with my head on Charlie's chest and his arm wrapped soothingly around me.

"Em, do you know what today is?" Charlie asked.

"Siân and Cody's birthday," I said. Has he not been paying attention or something...

"Beside from that,"

"Oh, then I have no clue," I giggled.

"It's the exact day I first laid my eyes on you four years ago," he smiled.

"Omg, you remembered," I said, my eyes tearing up.

"Of course I do, I wouldn't change them for the world. You're everything to me. You brought me my two children, you were there for both Leo and I throughout our career and still are to this day, you managed you're own career whilst handling school and every bad thing that's happened. These four years haven't been the smoothest, but I can tell you right here right now that they're the best four years of my life. I love you so much Emily Mary Lenehan," Charlie said, wiping my tears and playing with my hair, like he always did especially when we were younger.

"I wouldn't change anything for the world either. You're the best thing to ever happen to me Charlie. You, Siân and Cody are everything to me; our gorgeous little family. I love you more Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green," I planted a soft yet firm kiss on his lips.

I guess you can say my life turned out pretty god damn perfect after all.

A/N so that's it! The end! I'm going to say everything I want to say in a separate authors note so please read that.
My new Brooklyn Beckham fan fiction "Not Quite Forbidden" is up now. I'm also starting a a Leondre Devries one soon!
If any of you are at the Manchester BAM gig on the 2nd November, say hi!
Love ya✌🏼️

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