Chapter 22

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After a couple of seconds, I hear a rustling of keys and the lock turning. The door opened revealing Becca in her jogging bottoms and vest top.

"Oh Charlie! How lovely to see you babes," she smiled, welcoming him in. Notice it's him, not me.

"Don't you babes me," Charlie spat.

"Aw babes, still not broken up with her yet? What, after that kiss and all,"

"You know nothing. The doctor said that I had memory disorientation meaning that I think some things happened when they didn't, that was what happened when you 'kissed' him,"

"Whatever Emily," she said totally blanking me out before speaking directly to Charlie. "So boo, how's life going? Besides it over there,"

"RIGHT, THATS IT! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO EMILY LIKE THAT. SHE'S BEEN NOTHING BUT GREAT TO YOU SINCE THE DAY YOU MET," Charlie shouted. I pulled him back cautiously as I really didn't want him to do something he would regret.

"She has you,"

"So? That's never bothered you before and we've been going out three years on and off," I pointed out.

"Still, I never said that I didn't like you back then. Oh and by the way, Miss Abbey has kicked me out. Something to do with how I'm treating you apparently. Getting all the little ballet school teachers to stand up for you too now are we?" She mocked.

"Firstly, that 'little ballet school' is my second family. I thought you were apart of that family until I realised what you really wanted. Charlie,"

"You just don't like the fact that I've won,"

"What's the prize? Charlie? Loosing friends? As far as I can see, you've lost me as a friend and according to all the dance team's texts that I received in apologies earlier, you've lost them too. So, it appears that you haven't won,"

"The little teacher's prodigy does have her own voice then I see,"

"I don't want you at the wedding. I don't want you to be a bridesmaid. I don't want you to come near my family again. Ever,"

"Oh boo hoo, I'm not a bridesmaid for little miss famous person's girlfriend. I'm sorry that I don't try and make my own fame by piggy-backing off my boyfriend's stardom,"

"You shut it right now. Emily has worked hard off all that she has and you know it. Despite all the arguments and set backs. Don't you dare take all that away from her. I don't think you seem to remember, before she even had met me she had been in a couple of music videos. You're just a jealous little brat who wants what everyone else has. Just leave my family and I alone. Forever. I'm done here," Charlie said and he grabbed my hand and we walked out and back to the car. "Baby, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little shook up. I hated that. Hated it Charlie," I said breaking down into his arms.

"I know you do, I know. Come on, sort your mascara out in the mirror, you're going shopping with Mel, Brooke, Victoria, Imogen, Jemima, Mum and your mum for bridesmaids dresses don't forget. I'll drop you off there now," he soothed. I did what he said; checking my mascara and eye liner in the small mirror in the car as Charlie started the engine and began driving.

Within minutes, Charlie pulled up outside the shop.

"Have fun beautiful, try to forget about earlier,"

"Thanks Char, what are you doing now?"

"Off to Leo's to talk about album stuff,"

"Okay, I love you,"

"I love you more," and I kissed him and the lips, smiling at each other as we reluctantly pulled away. I gave a little girly wave before he drove off and I went inside the shop.

Everyone was already there and waiting.

"Emily!" Mel said jumping up at me.

"Hey gorgeous," I smiled. Imogen, Victoria and Jemima came over and hugged me.

"We're so sorry Emily. For what we've done and Becca," Jemima apologised on behalf of her and Imogen.

"It's okay, honestly. Becca is uninvited and is no longer at the studio or anything so all should be good," I smiled trying to shake everything off. "Right, so I've already picked out the dresses. Brooke and Mel, yours is white with a dark red ribbon around and petals in the bottom. Girlies, yours is all red and floated a little. At the start of the shoulder straps are little silver studded strips," I explained. I called the assistant over and got my reserved dresses out and everyone to try them on. I sat with mum and Karen as they did so.

"I'm proud of you for sticking up to Becca darling," mum smiled. I do miss mum.

"Aw thanks mumma," I smiled back at her.

"Was Charlie okay? Was he there?" Karen asked.

"Yeah he's great as always. He had a proper go at Becca when she called me 'it' and when she started saying that I piggy-backed my own fame off of Charlie and Leo's. He literally held my hand through it all," I explained.

"Your son is a star Karen, I've never seen Emily so happy as when she is with him," mum said.

"This could get cringy," I whispered to myself so only I could hear it.

"It's the same with Charlie. When Emily moved to New York, he tried multiple things to get over her, including different girlfriends. But I saw it with my own two eyes, none of them made him as happy as when he's with Emily. I guess they just attract each other like magnets," Karen laughed.

At just the perfect timing, all the girls walked out in their dresses.

"It's all falling into place, they're perfect," I gasped.

A/N thought that it was the right place to end this chapter! The girl's dresses are on the side. What do you think? Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads! I'm 1 away from 100 followers! Once I reach that, I'm going to follow everyone back!
Love ya✌🏼️
P.S. Thank you for all the Grandad Dedication Dance suggestions. I've found one (that isn't on the list, oops aha) called Safe And Sound by Taylor Swift, I just think that the song and it's lyrics are perfect for what I want it to be. Thank you guys for all of your help!

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