Chapter 10

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A/N hey guys. I wanted to start off this chapter by a quick authors note. I want to apologise so much for not being on time with most of the updates recently. I've been super busy and now it's that awkward transition term where teachers try to get us ready for year 10 and stuff. I hate letting you guys down and I feel like I've been doing that a lot recently so I'm so so so so sorry. I love updating for you all so much. So, for the rest of this week, I'm going to aim to do a chapter a day for you. I want to thank you for sticking by me even though I've not been the most reliable on updates recently. Now school has started again, I'm going to try to be more organised and everything. I sorry for letting you guys down and thank you so much for sticking by my book and I! Enjoy the chapter!💕

Victoria and I spent some girly time together before the boys came back. It was cute.

"So, what's going on with you and Leo?" I asked acting like I was a twelve year old girl talking about our crushes.

"Why?" She asked blushing a little.

"Because," I giggled.

"Well it's going really well. I love him loads but you knew that anyway so don't really know what there is to tell?"

"Do you think that you two will get married?"

"I don't know really. We haven't been together as long as you and Charlie so who knows. Plus, we've had a similar conversation in the past when you two first got engaged and Leo and I are both just not ready for it,"

"Fair enough. Charlie and I were together for a good year before you and Leo even met. He loves you loads you know,"

"Yeah I know,"

**knock knock**

"Come in!" We both yell and before long we are both bombarded by two massive bodies running and collapsing onto us on the bed.

"Argh!" The two people said as they ran in.

"We are the Nutella monsters and we are here to... Well... Steal the Nutella basically," one of them shouted.

"Leo!" We shouted.

"I'm not Leo, I'm a Nutella monster,"

"Well if the Nutella monster doesn't get off of me, he won't have a girlfriend anymore because she'll be squished to death," Victoria warned quite seriously but with a hint of a giggle in her voice.

"Sorry, sorry baby. I didn't mean to hurt you," Leo quickly apologised and got off of Victoria and hugged her tightly.

"Charlie?" I said.

"Charlie?" I said again, a little higher pitched.

"Charlie's not in at the moment, please leave a message after the beep," Charlie said laying face down across my legs.

"Tell Charlie that if he doesn't answer himself, wow that sounds weird, then I won't be able to move my stuff back to his tomorrow," I tried to convince by playing along with this stupid, but funny, game of there's. Leo and Victoria just looked over and sniggered.

"Wait, Charlie Lenehan can now answer the body phone..." He started to say. "Hello princess," he finished, sitting up smiling.

"You're an idiot," I giggled.

"But I'm your idiot," Charlie said proudly. I could hear Leo and Victoria making puking noises by the side of us.

"Yeah, I agree with them. That was a bit cheesy," I laughed.

"I couldn't think of anything else to say!" He defended.

"I found it a little cute baby," I smiled trying to make him happy.

The rest of the night was basically spent just being us and having fun like regular teens, which we don't have much time to do with the boys career across the UK and mine rehearsing so much. With the tour now as well, the next couple of weeks are going to be mad. Amazing nonetheless.

**the next day**

IT'S THE DAY BEFORE THE TOUR! Can you tell I'm excited? Just a little? I woke up full of excitement, ready to tell people had annoy them at how excited I am! I opened my eyes and sat up...

Sat up to see... The three of them still asleep. Hmmm. Charlie was laid face down on the mattress next to me with his head facing me and his arm draped across my waist. Cutie. I sighed and got up but I must of knocked Charlie as he shot up like a lightning bolt.

"What's happened?" He panicked.

"Sorry Char, I knocked your arm," I said.

"It's okay Em," he said calming down and laying back down, taking me with him. We cuddled for about 20 minutes, talking quietly, trying not to wake Victoria and Leo.

Once they woke up, we all went downstairs as we could smell mum's famous pancakes with Nutella. The four of us tucked in.

"So what are your plans for today then?" Mum asked sitting on the counter opposite.

"Well we need to move all my stuff over to Charlie's. Then we all have a meeting with Blair and Tiffany along with Overload and all the dance guys. Then I got rehearsal with Tiffany and Miss Abbey. I think that's it,"

"Okay, you all packed for touring?"

"Yep, Victoria and I did it yesterday,"

"I'm so proud of you and your brother Emily," mum smiled proudly.

"Aw, I love you mum," I said getting up, walking round and hugging her.

"I love you too sweetie," she said.

A/N hope you enjoyed the chapter! I mean what I said at the start. I love updating for you all and reading all your comments as they make me want to write better for you. I can't thank you enough. I'll try to do a chapter a day off the rest of the week to try to make it up to you!
Love ya✌️

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