Chapter 46

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We were still at the park with Overload. It was cute. As it's the twins first time at the park, we've been way too busy, so I really wanted a group selfie.

"Excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us all?" I asked a passer by. They said they would so I handed him my phone and gathered everyone together. Charlie and I squatted down at the front, holding Cody and Siân by the waist so they could stand up.

"Say CHEESE!" Ollie shouted. I passed Siân to Jordi and went to collect my phone.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"No problem, especially for a stunner such as yourself," he charmed. Charlie quickly looped his arm around my waist.

"Come on babe, let's push the twins on the swings," Charlie said kissing my cheek and giving the lad a glare that could kill. Then he ushered me away. Oh okay...

"You alright?" I asked.

"Suppose so. I just don't like other people looking at my beautiful wife like that. Only I should be able to," he said kissing my cheek once again.

"You're so overprotective. But it's cute," I grinned. I posted the group selfie to Instagram and Twitter:

@emywalton: twinnies first day at the park with Uncle Overload, seem to love it⚽️🎠

We played with the twins for another hour longer before they began to get tired and moan.

Charlie's POV

As we began walking back to the house, the boys called me over.

"Charlie boy. So I've noticed that in the last couple of months, you and Emily haven't had the couples time since the troubles came," Andy started. Where is this going...

"As a result, how about we look after them and you two go out for a date night?" Joey finished.

"You five... Looking after two children who are six months old... Safely... I don't know," I pondered.

"Oh come on Charlie. I'm their uncle. I'm going to have to look after them on my own eventually. I'm trusted with Mel," Jordi pointed out.

"True. I'll have to ask Em tho,"

"Ooo asking the Mrs," Ryan teased.

"That's how it works," I smirked. I caught up with her. "Emmmmmm,"

"Charrrrrrrr," she mimicked.

"So tonight I'm going to take out for a fancy meal," I said. The look on her face instantly changed to fear. What?

"Who will look after the twins?"

"About that," I said scratching the back of my head with one hand as a I intertwined our fingers with my other. "I thought maybe Jordi, Joey, Ryan, Ollie and Andy could,"

"You're funny," she said laughing.

"I'm being dead serious. I feel like I haven't spent anytime with you because it's been rehearsals, nappies, rehearsals, sleeping, rehearsals, feeding etc,"

"I suppose Joey will be there," Emily said comparing her options.

"So is that a yes?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes," she grinned from ear to ear. This made me smile. Upon the seven of us, we decided that the twins would sleep at Jordi's new house so we could have a proper night off. This will be the first time were leaving the twins. Ever.

"We'll drop them off about 5ish so I can come back to get ready for 7," Emily explained to Jordi as we approached home. We bid our farewells to the boys and started to get the twins sorted. Luckily, they were already asleep so we could just pop them in their cots whilst we packed.

"Char, can you get the travel cot please?"

"Don't they need one each?" I asked confused.

"Erm... I think we can still get away with them sharing," she said. I just nodded and loaded it into the car.

5pm came quicker than I thought. Emily was busy feeding Siân so I had the easy task (sarcasm) of waking Cody up from his slumber. Great. Nice one Charlie.

"Come on baby, wakey wakey," I said tickling his belly a little. He began crying. I hate when he does this. It's because he's still tired. I picked him up and cuddled him into my chest. "It's okay Cody, it's okay. Shhhh daddy's here. It's okay," I cooed kissing his head.

"Dada," he said, finally stopping crying. It's not often I go soft, but when you here your child call you 'dada' it definitely makes your insides melt.

Emily's POV

"Hellooooooooo," Jordi said opening the door. The boys helped Charlie unload the car as Andy helped me sort the twins out of their car seat.

"Princess, who's mummy's gorgeous girl?" I asked as I played with Siân a little.

"You just play with Cody, Andy pandy and we'll get all the twins stuff. S'alright mate," Ollie smirked.

"Alright," Andy said totally oblivious as he began reading to Cody. I just had to snapchat it to all the fans.

After 20 minutes of making sure the twins were settled, and the place was made baby-proof, it was time to leave.

"Jordi: the milk is in the fridge. They have 2 ounces unless after they've had that they're still hungry, in which case give them one more ounce. They need feeding at 7, just before bed. Give them a good burping after and be prepared for throw up. Before bed, give them a nappy change. For putting them to bed, Siân has to go on the left so she can sleep without hitting Cody. Their teddies are in the bag along with nappies, bags, wipes and talcum powder. For the morning, it's usually around 7am. 7:30 if you're lucky. Don't take them downstairs straight away as they may fall back asleep if it's just because their dummies have fallen out. If that happens, they'll sleep until 8am. As soon as they wake up, they'll be hungry so give them 2 ounces each, again if they're hungry one more ounce..." I rushed.

"Emily Emily Emily. Calm down. I've done this plenty of times with Mel. They'll be fine. Joey's sensible so don't worry. Any problems and we will ring Charlie. You just enjoy your night out," Jordi said calming me down.

"I know. It's just the first time I'm leaving my babies," I sighed.

"Come on princess. They'll be safe, I promise," Charlie said pulling me away. I smiled and said goodbye to them all. Once I was outside the car, tears began making their way down my face. "Babe what's wrong?"

"It's just the first time leaving the twins. The first time they're away from mummy and daddy," I said as Charlie enveloped me into his arms as he leant against the car.

"They'll be fine, I promise. Come on Em, let's go enjoy our night,"

A/N four chapters remaining😭 so who likes the new covers?
Thank you so much for over 2K votes on You Are My World! That's incredible! I can't believe it! Thank you and I love you all!
When does everyone break up from school? Mines Friday at 12:15pm.
Love ya✌🏼️

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