Chapter 28

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I can't believe that we've been in Hawaii a week already. Half way through. It's gone incredibly fast. Mostly relaxing on the beach all day, out for a meal at night, then either out a clubs partying or walks on the beach afterwards. Both Charlie and I are going nicely tanned; he tans a lot easier than I do because of my blonde hair. Living the fair skin life.

I turned over to wake up to feel Charlie not there. The sunlight shined into the bedroom through the open balcony. I looked outside to see Charlie sat on the loungers. I sleepily walked out.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Charlie said as he handed me a cup of hot chocolate.


"Morning to you too,"

"Meh," I said. As you can tell, I don't tend to be a morning person.

"How about we just stay around our pool today?"

"Sounds good," I said as I leant over and kissed him. I went in the shower and put my hair in a messy bun for that it's out of the way. I decided on my lilac bikini and put my sunglasses on, no makeup.

It was midday and the sun was at least 35 degrees. I could really get used to this. No problem what so ever.

"Em, Jordi is on the phone. It's sounds serious," Charlie said bringing my phone out for me. He looked scared. My heart fell to my stomach.

"Thanks," I said taking the phone. Charlie stayed stood by my sun bed, wanting to know what is going on. "Hey Jord, what's up?"

"Emily, it's Mel," Jordi said seriously.

"What? What's Mel?" I asked, panicking. Charlie sat down next to me as I glanced in his direction, he took my hand. I put it onto loud speaker.

"She fell down the stairs right from the top and bashed her head at the bottom. She knocked herself unconscious so we called the ambulance. She's staying in hospital, barely awake. She's got a fractured head and we don't know if she'll survive,"

I burst out into tears in Charlie's arms.

"Okay, I'll get there. I promise," I said and the phone line disconnected. I sunk my head into my hands. My little sister is in hospital.

"You okay baby?" Charlie asked. Okay, no. Fine, no. Utterly distraught, yes.

"Char, we need to go," I said standing up.

"Are you sure? There's only a week left. Mel may get better," Charlie said. How can he even suggest that.

"CHARLIE Mel is my little sister and she's in hospital. Imagine it's Brooke, you'd be straight there. Char, we need to go," I defended.

"I now, I'm sorry baby girl. You know I love Mel so much. I just needed you to say that so I knew how badly we need to go. Come on, we need to get home," Charlie said engulfing me in a reassuring hug. We headed inside straight away and I started to pack as Charlie booked flights.

Don't worry Mel, I'll get there. I promise.

A/N hey hey hey hey! Hope you're having an amazing half term holidays and if you're still at school I hope you're trying to make the best of school. Good luck to all those with exams! You'll do great! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads! Let me know what you think happens next!
Love ya✌🏼

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