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Hey guys,
I thought I would let you know properly why updates are at weird times at the moment.

It's exam week. Or hell week, whichever you prefer to call it. So I have to revise constantly as I'm top sets so it's almost a GCSE paper. Also, I have major stress issues which basically means that I get myself all worked up over it and don't believe in myself properly. The idea of me sitting in the sports hall doing an exam terrifies me.

Don't worry, I'm working on updates ASAP for you guys. There definitely will be an update tomorrow! I'm so sorry guys but sometimes school has to come first (I wish it didn't). Just remember that I appreciate all of you so much and love every single one of you!

As a make-up. I'm going to do a Q&A so comments as many questions as you wanna know! I'll answer them all! (Within reason haha).

Thank you for understanding,
Love ya✌🏼

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