Chapter 47

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When I got home, I got dressed in a dress I got for summer. It was pretty. I can now fit back in my non-maternity clothes. Result.

"Charlie, you ready to go?" I asked walking down the stairs.

"Yeah are yo... Wow don't you look gorgeous," he smirked walking into the hallway.

"Thank you babe, not too bad yourself," I smiled as he looped his arm around me and kissed my neck. We made our way to the local Indian restaurant and ordered our food. It's weird without Cody and Siân. It's quite.

"Stop thinking about them. They're fine with the boys," Charlie said. It's as if he can read my mind.

"I know I know. Right, I won't talk or think about babies or nappies or anything for the rest of the night,"

"Deal," Charlie said.

"So I was thinking about going back to dance tomorrow. I mean, I've got to get back into shape at some point to resume with my career," I said as the food arrived so we began eating.

"That sounds good. I'm at rehearsals with Leo anyway for the gig in a couple of weeks so Jordi can just look after them for a couple more hours. As a starter for getting back into dance, you could just do a solo at the gig. It gives you a couple of weeks rehearsal and is an easy start," Charlie offered.

"Yeah that sounds cool. I'm so glad Becca won't be there anymore,"

"You heard ought since?"

"Nope, she just cut herself out of everyone's life. I'm not complaining," I said.

The evening pretty much carried on like that; a lot of conversations. It was so nice just to be with Charlie. On our own. No kids. No friends. No managers. No fuss. No hassle. No nothing. Just us. Something we hadn't had in a long time.

After the meal, we walked back home. I opened up the house and stepped inside as Charlie caught my lips and kisses me.

"I love you so much Em," he said breaking the kiss slightly.

"I know. I love you more,"

"I'm being serious. I love you so much but lately I don't feel like we've have enough time to ourselves. Cody and Siân are growing up so fast. I feel like I've missed my wife. The same gorgeous, beautiful, stunning girl I fell in love with 4 years ago when I was 15 and you were 14. I love you so fricking much Em you'll never understand," he spoke as I played with the hair at the back of his neck making him smile.

"I love you so much Charl. You mean everything to me. Through thick and thin you've always been there for me," I smiled. He kissed me cheek then went upstairs...

The next day, I woke up to Charlie not beside me. Oh yeah, rehearsals. I forgot. Oh well. I had dance 10am-1pm with Miss Abbey to sort a solo out for Bars&Melody's next gig. It shouldn't be too bad, it's just getting back into shape, I've lost all my baby weight which is good.

I got ready in my leotard, hair in a bun with minimal makeup. Yes, even though I've got my own career and I'm 18, I still need to abide by the rules.

I got to the studio around 9:45 so I went into studio C and began stretching. I haven't done this in 15 months because of the pregnancy and then after. Oh wow I'm stiff. I eventually manage to loosen myself up better than I thought I'd be able to and started practising my turns.

"A little off but not bad to say you've got 6 month old twins," I hear a voice speak. I turn around...

"Miss Abbey!" I yell running towards her and hugging her tightly. Teacher's favourite; call me what you want but look where I am today.

"How's things?" She asked.

"Really good. They grow up too quickly,"

"Don't they just, I still remember when Victoria was little. You better bring them to come see me and enrol them in class the day they turn two,"

"Don't worry, I wouldn't want any other teacher in the world to teach them how to dance (JLS reference there😏) and they're coming to the BAM concert in a couple of weeks that I'm performing in," I smiled.

Finally, back to doing what I do best.

A/N Hola mes amigos! How's everyone's summer?
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Three chapters remaining...
Love ya✌🏼️

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