Chapter 13

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After that scene, I had to cool off. I can't believe they all thought that. Especially Kyle, he's the one I'm closest to but he'd basically just put a knife through my back. I skipped dance rehearsal and just headed home, I needed sleep. I'm so stressed its unreal...

~what if I forget all the words
~what if I forget all the routines
~what if I make a foul of myself
~what if everyone doesn't like my concerts
~what if I ruin everything for everyone
~why do all of my dance 'friends' hate and despise me
~why am I still getting hate off fans when they all know the truth

It's the last two that really get me. I know I haven't mentioned it properly in a while, but I'm still getting hate. So called Bambinos who can't realise when someone makes a lie. Charlie doesn't know. It would get him wound up too much. Ever since everything, he's gone really overprotective, which I don't mind. It means he's there for me, no matter what.

After an hour of walking aimlessly around, I get home and walk into the lounge to where Charlie and Leo are messing around with the guitar.

"Hi," I say quietly.

"Hey princess, coming to sit with us?" Charlie asked, motioning me over.

"I'm err... Just going to go up to bed... Long day ahead of me tomorrow," I faked a smile and headed upstairs. I wanted to be alone.

I got my pyjamas on which consist of Charlie's long top and shorts. I climbed into bed, hoping sleep would engulf me. But no. No no no no no.

I'm wide awake. Thinking about everything. I don't want to let anyone down. But how can I when all of my friends hate me? They obviously want me to fail because they're jealous. If they want to make it so badly, get an agent, attend more classes, put more hours in. At one point, I did almost 26 hours a week of dance. It's got me to where I want to be. However that's come at a price where my friends hate me. Like I said to them, it's not my fault I'm the favourite. It just sort of... Happened.

Suddenly, I feel the bed dip next to me and a warm arm slither around me waist and a head bury into my neck. Charlie.

"I know your not asleep baby," he soothed. I laid still.

"Em, you're not fouling me. What happened at rehearsal?" He asked. I turned around and quickly buried my face in his chest, crying.

"They hate me Charlie. All of them, everyone. They all want to see me fail an I feel like I am," I cried uncontrollably.

"Hey hey hey. Who's saying that?"

"The fans, Kyle, Nick, Becca, Imogen and Jemima. They all think it," I sobbed.

"Whoa, start from the beginning," he soothed, stroking my hair; somehow, this calmed me a little.

"Well we were on the way to the studio whilst talking about the tour. Imogen said about how it's the biggest crowd she's ever performed to. Then I said that I thought nationals was bigger. Then Becca started having a go at me saying how because I'm the favourite, I got more opportunities than them and no of them denied that they thought that. So now they probably hate me,"

"Baby, they might not of meant it. It might just be all the nerves talking. Don't think about it too much Em, they'll apologise tomorrow I bet. What did you mean about the fans?" Charlie asked.

"Basically the hate hasn't stopped since the incident. It keeps getting worse Charlie, I want it to stop," I teared.

"Emily I'll always have your back. I'll speak to Blair, Abbey and Tiffany about everything tomorrow. Try not to worry about it all, you'll get more stressed and you clearly don't need that. Your friends are just jealous that you have what they want. Jealousy comes apart of the fame package I'm afraid. I'll speak to Kyle and all the guys tomorrow. For now, just focus on the five that you have your debut tour starting tomorrow. That is amazing and I'm so proud of you baby girl," Charlie soothed.

"Charlie I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. You help me through everything and more. I love you so much," I smiled weakly up at him.

"I love you more princess," he returned, kissing me gently on the lips. "Now get to sleep, it's a big day tomorrow,"

"Night Charl,"

"Night Em,"

A/N hey guys! Omg, for my birthday 'party' sort of thing, my mums paid for me and two of my friends to go see BAM on the 2nd November in Manchester! Omg I'm so excited it's unreal! Any of you going to the 143 tour?
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, as always, thank you so much for the support, it means the world, honestly.
Love ya✌️

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