Chapter 41

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I woke up to two nurses handing me Cody and Siân so that I could attempt to feed them. Surprisingly, it all worked perfectly which was a relief. Charlie changed them as I went for a shower and got changed out of the horrific gown and into comfortable clothes. My tummy has gone down loads which is good but it's still swollen. When I came out, I looked like death. No makeup or anything. Eugh. But what can you expect? I've just had twins.

"Em, you ready to go?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah I think so, let's strap them in," I took Siân from Charlie's arms and strapped her into the car seat, making sure she was securely in. It's weird. I've only ever seen mum and dad do this with Mel. Now, I have my own. Crazy.

"How's your tummy?" Charlie asked.

"Hurting a little. Wouldn't expect anything different,"

"Well you have just squeezed two little people out," Charlie said. I could see him struggling to clip Cody's seatbelt in.

"You having trouble there?" I giggled. He half looked up at me with that 'you think' look. I went over and did it with ease.

"And that Cody is why mummy is better than daddy at the practical stuff," Charlie cooed to Cody. He's going to be a good dad; I can tell.

"But Cody, daddy will get better," I laughed as I grabbed Siân's car seat.

"You alright with that?" Charlie asked. I just nodded. I was struggling a little but I knew, as much as he is strong, Charlie couldn't manage carrying them both. Finally, we left the hospital and went to click the car seats in the car.

However, as soon as we got out of the hospital, we were bombarded with paparazzi shoving microphones in our faces with flashing lights everywhere. I quickly pulled the blind down on Siân's carrier to prevent the flashes from attacking her like vultures. Also, I wasn't sure on how much I wanted the twins to be portrayed on the news as of yet, I wasn't sure how much I wanted their pictures out in the media. It's something Charlie and I need to discuss; by the looks of it, sooner rather than later. With my free hand, I intertwined my fingers with Charlie's to keep him close as hospital security guards surrounded us for protection.

"Emily! Can you tell us the names?"

"Charlie! How does it feel to be a father at 19?"

"Mr and Mrs Lenehan! Do you believe that your children will grow up to be apart of the performing industry like yourselves?"

I just wanted a peaceful exit. That's all. But no. Oh heck no.

Eventually, we got home and unlocked the house.

"Welcome to your new home babies," Charlie said as we put them down in the hallway.

"Thought we heard voices," Victoria smiled as she came round the corner from the kitchen. Charlie and I exchanged confused glances.

"When did you get here?" Charlie said, unnervingly.

"We wanted to surprise you and meet these two little uns," Leo said, joining Victoria. I leant down to get Cody out, carefully as he was asleep, and handed him to Victoria.

"This is Cody Bentley Lenehan," I smiled. Charlie did the same with Siân but handed her to Leo.

"And this little princess is Siân Grace Lenehan," Charlie said proudly as he looped his left arm around my waist and brought me close to his chest and kissed my forehead comfortingly.

"Charlie lad you've done well," Leo smirked making Charlie face palm and me sigh into his arm. Trust Leo to say something like that.

"Hello gorgeous, you're very handsome. Yes you are, yes you are," Victoria cooed.

"Don't get any ideas," Leo laughed.

Awe is Leo not ready to grow up yet?" Charlie wound up. As much as I love Leo to pieces, I can't see him being ready for kids any time soon.

"When you popping the question Leo?" I said, winding him up even more.

"She's adorable," Leo quickly said changing the subject. Leo and Victoria took them into the lounge as I dragged Charlie into the kitchen.

"What's up baby?" He asked, concerned and holding my hips gently.

"About what happened on the way home. How much do we want Siân and Cody in them media? I don't want them growing up with it all in their faces constantly," I said.

"Neither do I. We chose to have that in our life, they didn't. I think we should send pictures every once in a while, like now for example so everyone knows, but then apart from that leave them out as much as possible,"

"That sounds good," I smiled and leant in to kiss him.

"I love you," he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you more," I mumbled back.

We went to join Leo and Victoria and had an extremely enjoyable evening with our little family and best friends. By the end of the evening, I was knackered.

A/N hello! Good news, my back is 97% better. Whooo! Hahaha. Awkward... Lol... Erm... Okay... Moving on... I hope you enjoyed this chapte,r let me know in the comments! Only 8 chapters left... Thank you for all that you do, we're so close to 10K!
Love ya✌🏼️

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