Chapter 37

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A/N I want to apologise for another 3 day wait upload. I was about to write last night but school is stressing me out millions and I had a massive meltdown so I was crying for at least 45 minutes as I felt like I can't do anything. I felt that I didn't want to update after that as it wouldn't be what I wanted it to be so I didn't think it was fair on you guys x

It's been a few weeks since the scan and I've got a bigger baby bump. The twins are kicking more often and are really active which can hurt sometimes. Today, as Charlie is at practise with Leo for a few concerts coming up, I'm going to dance to see if I can still cope with classes.

"Charl, please will you drop me off on your way to rehearsals?" I ask dropping my bags onto the counter. I no longer fit in my leotards, due to the twins, so I have to wear tight legged joggers and a vest top.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Charlie asked concerned.

"I'll be fine. I'm not exactly going to do fouetté pirouettes with a side ariel exit am I,"

"You better not with the babies," Charlie smirked putting his hands onto my stomach. Soon enough, we left for dance or rehearsals.

I signed in at dance and sat in the den with the guys. It felt nice knowing that Becca couldn't come and ruin this anymore.

"How many weeks along are you now?" Nick asked.

"18 I think," I smiled.

"Have you picked the names out yet?" Imogen asked.


"Are you going to tell us?" Kyle asked.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. Their faces dropped with disappointment.

"Why not?" Jemima asked, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Charlie and I want to announce them at the birth,"

"This place better be the first place you bring them," Nick grinned.

"Here going to be as much of a second home, to my daughter at least, as it is to me. I wouldn't trust dance lessons anywhere else but here,"

Shortly after, Miss Abbey called us into lesson.

Lest to say it was hard. Everyone else could do their acrobatics. I couldn't.
Everyone else could do fouetté turns. I couldn't.
Everyone else could do tilts. I couldn't.
Everyone else could do over splits. I couldn't.

Everyone could do everything, except me.

"Guys go take five. Emily, please can I speak to you," Miss Abbey instructed. I hope this isn't the chat I think it's going to be. I can't face that.

'Hey Miss Abbey," I said plastering a fake smile on my face to conceal the disappointment that I could already feel myself sinking into.

"Emily, this is probably one of the most difficult talks I've ever had to have with a student. Especially one as talented as you. You're too pregnant now. If you carry on dancing, it may damage the babies which I don't want to happen. I know this may sound harsh, but it's best. As soon as the twins are born, and you're back fighting fit, I promise that I will train harder than ever to get back to where you were. I'm not saying don't come. What I'm offering you is an opportunity to work on your choreography skills a bit. I've seen you improvise. It's amazing. Therefore, until you can come back to dance, you will be my second in command for choreography. What do you say?"

What do I say? I understand why I can't dance. I can't let it effect my babies. Contrarily, it's my life. Eugh, why does it have to be so hard! At least I can still choreograph.

"As much as this decision is impeccably hard, I accept," I say as tears drip down my face like a tap.

"Well done Emily. I promise, you will get back to where you were. I will ensure that. It will be hard, but nothing's impossible," she smiles.

I decided that I should go home to rest and soak up everything they just happened. I caught a taxi home and ran myself a lovely hot bath. Just what I need. I contemplated my decision. I came to the conclusion that it's for the best. That's how I've got to think now I suppose. For what's best...

Thank you for all the votes, please got forget to #Wattys2015 and tweet them for You Are My World and tag me on Social Media @emywalton it would mean the world!
Love ya✌🏼

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