Chapter 6

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Charlie's back mine, I'm so happy. Sounds stupid. But I love him so much, I couldn't let him go. We were all still in BAM's bedroom at Blair's.

"Charlie I'll warn you now again, break her heart again and we'll break your face," Jordi said acknowledging the Overload boys.

"Jord stop it!" I said slightly embarrassed.

"I'll take care of her," Charlie reassured rubbing my back.

"In other news... My agency rang and I'M GOING ON MY OWN DEBUT TOUR NEXT WEEK!" I shouted getting all excited again.

"I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Victoria said running up to me and hugging me tightly. Love my best friend. Jordi ran to me and threw me over his shoulder.

"My baby sister taking over the UK! Woo!" He cheered which made me laugh.

"Em I'm so proud of yum you deserve this so much," Leo congratulated.

All of the other boys said words of congratulations as well as we went downstairs to order pizza.

"So, where you touring?" Andy asked.

"Leeds, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Essex, Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dublin but more may be added depending on if it sells out or not,"

"Wow," Joey awed.

"The agency said that I can have two support acts and a dance troop. So, Overload and Bars and Melody, would you two do the honours of being my support acts?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course!" Leo screamed jumping up and down in excitement.

"We would be delighted to accept," Ryan said in a classic British accent for some reason, suppose that's just Ryan. We all went in for a group hug. I love these guys.

"Take it you're going to ask your dancing friends to be the dance troop?" Joey asked.

"Yeah! Who else?" I laughed. I'm so excited now!

Gradually, everyone decided what they wanted to order, I went for BBQ chicken. Yummy haha. As we waited for the food to arrive, the mind of us decided to watch Annabelle. Why did I let them drag me into doing this? I hate horror movies!

"Babe?" Charlie asked, sitting down next to me.


"Stop worrying about the film, I'll be right here with you," he smiled.

"Thank Char, how did you know I was thinking about that?"

"I know you too well," he said in response so I just smiled.


I have her back! She's mine! I'm talking about her as if she's some sort of object... Awkward... Anyway, she's forgiven me for not believing her and ivd forgiven her for what the newspaper look like so now it's time to just put this whole scenario behind us. Apart from the fact that Good Morning Britain (a news show on in the mornings) want us to appear on the show first thing, as in Emily and I. Who even signed us up to do this anyway?

"Em?" I whispered tapping her head lightly as it was on my shoulder.

"Mm hmmm?"

"Tomorrow, GMB have asked us two to go on the show,"

"Can't we just put it all behind us?"

"Looks like no, I'm sorry princess but after it'll all be finished with for good. I promise,"

"You better Lenehan," she giggled kissing my cheek. She is like the most adorable person ever, and she's mine.

As the movie went on, Emily's grip on my shirt got even more tight. As I looked across the room, I could see the same happening to Leo and Victoria and Ryan on Jordi. Ah Rordi, what would we do without them. Suddenly the door bell rang which made us all jump a mile into the air with fright. You could literally hear everyone's breath.

"I'll get it," Ollie offered he soon returned. "It was only the pizza man you babies,"

A/N sorry it's short but hope you liked it! Thank you for almost 700 reads! That is amazing within 5 updates so thank you so much!
Love ya✌️

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