Chapter 26

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I woke up the next in a bit of a dream; wondering if last night had really happened. Am I really in my own little house with Charlie? Am I really now Mrs Lenehan?

I looked to the side of me to see that Charlie is still wrapped up in the plain white sheets (topless I might add) and asleep. His brown curly hair messy across his face, which was squished in between the pillow and my arm. One arm laid loosely across my stomach. I just smiled at his cuteness.

I took in my surroundings. Yep, this definitely isn't Charlie's old messy room. This one's clean for starters. However, all of our furniture was here; this must of taken him ages the night before the wedding. Oh! I get it now, this is why all the lads went round to ours. Oh.

To the left of me, was a huge cupboard. I got up and opened it to see it was a walk in wardrobe with all our clothes neatly lined up and put away nicely. All the shoes were stored on two shoe racks; one for me and one for Charlie.

At the foot of the bed, was a long dressing table with three large mirrors attached to the wall with a little mirror on a hinge (so I could bring it closer to my face) for close ups. The draws within it were full of all my makeup and hair things, Charlie's hair products unsurprisingly took up two of the biggest draws.

"You like it then?" I heard so I snapped round to see Charlie sat up in bed.

"How long have you been watching me?"

"For about five minutes. So, you like it?"

"Charl I love it! It's exactly what I described to you a couple of months ago,"

"I know it is Em. That's why I got you to describe it all,"

"Oooo clever," I smirked.

"That's me," he said. I gave him a sarcastic look of disbelief.

"As if we now live together on our own," I smiled.

"Our own independence. It is what you've always wanted... Isn't it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't want it any other way," I replied, collapsing back onto the bed.

"Come on, you need to pack," Charlie said grabbing my hand and pulling me back up.

"Why? We've just moved in,"

"Usually after the wedding, you have a honeymoon Em," Charlie laughed.

"But I tried speaking to you about that a couple of months ago and out dismissed it. I thought we just weren't going to have one?"

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't want to go on a honeymoon with my beautiful princess?"

"It's not that. I just assumed it was because of touring and stuff," I explained.

"Well, you thought wrong. Come on, we fly tonight,"

"Where are we going?"

"Thats for me to know and you to find out," Charlie slyly smiled and tapped his nose.

"That's not fair! How do I know what to pack!"

"It'll be warm, like 40 degrees warm," Charlie informed.


"I'll leave you to start while I go get us a Starbucks breakfast... Mrs Lenehan," Charlie smiled as he kissed my forehead. I giggled slightly at him calling me 'Mrs Lenehan'. I guess I am now. He soon left, leaving me to start packing.

I managed to finally find my big, pink suitcase and dragged into our walk in wardrobe. Mmm, I think I'll leave Charlie to do his own. I don't know what he wants packing. I picked out various outfits as I'd assume we are going for 14days.

I was knelt on the floor, half way through packing, when I heard the rustling of keys and the front door open; I just continued what I was doing.

"One caramel frappé with extra low fat whipped cream," Charlie announced in that voice that you hear on radios.

"Thank you," I smiled as I took it from his hands.

Three hours later and we are ready to go. The bags are all loaded in the car and Charlie has all the passports and boarding passes. Earlier, whilst Charlie was packing is bag, I'd gone in the shower again to freshen up and hen out my clothes in that I was travelling in. (Outfit on the side)

I did a last check in our bedroom to make sure we hadn't left anything.

"Em you ready?" Charlie shouted.

"Yeah," I replied grabbing my handbag and coming down the stairs. Charlie locked up the house and we sat in the car.

"Let's go on our honeymoon," Charlie smiled as he leant over and kissed my lips.

A/N so sorry I didn't update yesterday but cousins came round for my uncle's birthday (they're cute and I love them to pieces, but they're a nightmare) and then I had maths revision for a test period 5 today. OSSODEF LEEDS IS TOMORROW! OMG I CAN'T EVEN CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know! Thank you for all the votes/reads/comments/follows!
Love ya✌🏼️

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