Chapter 31

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I woke up quite late this morning. 10 am to be exact. The mattress beside me was cold with just a note left in Charlie's place. Typical at the minute.

To Em,
Sorry I had to leave so early this morning
as I have studio time then the concert
with Leo in Manchester.
Love you,

I know he can't help it, but that's every morning at the minute that I've woken up alone. I hate it. Absolutely hate it but I can't do anything about it and neither can he I suppose. Oh well. Life goes on.

I'm meeting Victoria at Starbucks in around an hour so I decided to get ready. I hopped on the shower and thoroughly washed my hair. Once out, I put on my dressing gown whilst I dry my long, blonde hair. I put loose beach curls into my hair and then began on makeup; the summer look. Once my hair and face were complete, I walked into the wardrobe and chose my outfit. After minutes of debating, I chose my long sleeved white crop top, floral and white skirt with brown sandals as it was relatively warm outside. (Outfit on the side)

Believe it or not, all that took me and hour so I got in my car and headed to Starbucks.

I walked in and Victoria was already sat down waiting for me. I quickly ordered my Strawberry and Cream drink and set down opposite her.

"So how's life," she asked as I messed with the straw in my drink.

"Terrible but alright at the same time. Jordi text me this morning saying that Mel got extremely worse overnight. But the good part is that I've done a couple of videos this week and I've got a couple of dance wear modelling shoot coming up so that should be fun," I shrugged.

"They'll be fun. I'm worried about Mel too. How about after we've finished here, we go see Mel?" Victoria offered.

"Yeah sounds good. So how's living with Leo?" I smirked.

"Good, yeah really good. One thing though is that he needs a constant supply of Nutella. It's really annoying," she laughed.

"Charlie's not home a lot at the minute. I miss him loads. From going every day with him by my side, to us going our separate ways constantly is honestly upsetting. Last night was the first night in a week that we have managed to have a night in together. Even then, he left early this morning," I sighed.

"I know exactly how you feel. Leo's the same at the moment. It sucks having famous boyfriends," she giggled. We finished our drinks then headed on the familiar route to the hospital.

When we arrived, I knew exactly what room to head in. Mum was in there along with Jordi and Ryan; dad being at work.

"Y'alright Em?" Ryan greeted as I walked in with Victoria following close behind. I simply nodded and walked over to Mel's bed to find her eyes... Closed? A rush of panic swept over me as I flung myself towards mum.

"Emily calm down. She's not dead. Emily, calm down," Jordi said grabbing my shoulders and calming me down. I can't help it, she's my little sister. After what happened with Grace, I can't stand the thought of anything happening to Mel.

"Emily you need to listen. Because Mel's condition worsened extremely quickly, she slipped into a coma. We don't know if she'll survive or not..." Mum started but that was enough for me. My heart smashed into a million pieces. My breathing got quicker and heavier as my eyes filled up like buckets under a tap. My knees went weak and I dropped to the floor with an almighty thud. My face burying in my hand as I sobbed uncontrollably.

Where's Charlie when I need him the most?

A/N hola amigos💁🏼what do you think will happen to little Mel? Where's Charlie when Emily needs him? Let me know in the comments! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you all millions for all the support! It means the world!
Love ya✌🏼️

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