Sylvie's Secret Santa

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Matt's POVI was sitting in my quarters in Oregon missing my girlfriend. Work has been very slow today and my mind kept drifting. It would only be 3 more weeks till we saw each other. I pull out my phone to call her. "hey babe" she says to me. I can hear her smile through the phone. "hey you just thought I'd call and check in its been a slow day at work." I say. "hey careful you might jinx it." she says with a laugh. " nah no chance of that. That only happens in Chicago." I say with a laugh. "I can't wait for you to get here. I've missed you way to much. I Just wish that we didn't have to wait till after Christmas to see each other." she says sadly. " I know sweetheart but I have to work. I wish it were different but we do get a whole week together so look at the positives." I tell her. "yeah I guess that will work. I just really miss you. Christmas just isn't the same without you. I wanted our first Christmas to be special." she says almost in a sob. " I miss you too. More than you know. Our Christmas will still be special. That I promise you. Are you at the firehouse." I say to her. "yeah why?" she questions me. "go into your locker " I tell her "okay.... why my locker." she asks "just please go open it." I say I hear her walk to the locker room and fiddle with her lock. "alright its open now what." she says. "okay now sit down on the bench in front of it." I say to her. " this is strange but okay I'm sitting down. Now what?" she says "bend over and look under the top shelf of your locker. Do you see it?" I say "What is under here.? What How When.... Is this chocolate." She says with a bit of cheer in her voice. "I know how sweets make you happy. So before I left I tape up a chocolate bar to the underneath and in a few other places only I know where they are. Its for emergency's. I call you missing me more than normal an emergency." I say "you always know how to cheer me up. thank you" she says "You are welcome." I say. I was just about to say something else to her when I hear the alarm blare on her end for Ambo. "I got to go" she says "stay safe I love you." I tell her. "Love you too." she says as she hangs up and rushes off. After our phone call I go back to filling out paperwork. But I can't seem to get how sad Sylvie was off my mind. So I pull up the floaters list on my phone and see who is available. I then make my way down to the chiefs office and nock on his door. "ah come in Captain what can I do for you." he asks me. "well I know this is short notice and we are set to work Christmas. I looked on the floater list and saw that Mullins was able to work that shift. I was wondering if I could start my furlough a few days early. I have something I wanted to take care of in Chicago. If not I totally understand." I say. " I don't see why not. Contact Mullins and if he says yes I'm all for it." Chief says. "thank you so much" I say as I walk out of his office. "hey Mullins it's Captain Casey" I say as he picks up the phone. "what can I do for you captain?" he asks me. "well I was wondering if you would be willing to take my shift in two weeks. I know its Christmas so feel free to say no." I say to him. "actually I would love to. I don't celebrate Christmas so I'm always looking to pick that shift up for people." he says. "thankyou you are a life savor." I say as I hang up the phone. I immediately call severide hoping he's not on a call. "Hey Case" he says to me. " hey" I say back. "aren't you on shift right now." he asks me. "yeah I am but.... " I start to say. "So what's up then." he says to me. "So I need your help with something?" I say to him. "Yeah man what is it?" he asks. "So you know how Sylvie does her secret Santa thing every year." I say. "Yeah she's actually doing that at dinner time tonight why?" he questions me. "you need to some how get Sylvie's name." I say trying to hid my excitement. "I'm not following" he says confused. "Sylvie thinks I'm coming in after Christmas and I wanna surprise her early. I found some one that can cover my shift here and the boys aunt is back for Christmas so I thought since Sylvie is missing me so much that I would be her secret Santa gift. what do you say. You in?" I say. "I'm in." he says to me. "You can't even tell Stella promise me. You know how much they talk and gab she can't find out." I say. "I promise." he says. "Thanks man. So get in 3 days before Christmas. I was thinking you could tell her that her present got delivered to the wrong address and that it would get there in the morning, but I would really be sneaking into her apartment and be inside a box that says open me now by her Christmas tree for her to see when she walk in." I say "Sounds like the perfect plan to me. Can't wait to see you buddy I've got cigars waiting for you." he says. "hey we just got a call thanks for helping out. I'll see you soon." I say as I hang up and rush out to the rig.

Severides PovWe are just finishing up dinner when Sylvie comes back in with a helmet full of everyone's names. "Alright people its that time again. Secret Santa time." she says all excited. "Do we have to" Capp moans. "Yes Capp you know we do this every year. So get use to it." I say "thank you severide" she says to me. We go around and pull name one by one. I was hoping of Sylvie but got Boden instead. I had to some how see who had Sylvie's name. "Ambo 61 man down unknown causes Lincoln park entrance." the alarm blares. Now is the perfect time to ask who got Sylvie. "Hey anyone who has Sylvie's name I need to trade." I say once the girls have left. "Why is that. you know no trading" Gallo says. "I know, I know but this is worth it trust me. So whos got her." I ask. no one speaks up so I tell Ill be in my office doing paper work the next hour or so and to stop by so no one else would know who it was. About 10 mins later Ritter knocks on my door. "Come in" I say "You wanted to know who got Sylvie" he asks me. "yeah no questions asked but I really need her as my secret Santa." I say. "then I am here to trade names with you. I drew Sylvie's name. who do you have." he say " I got Boden he's easy just get him a bottle of his favorite whisky." I say "thanks will do." he says to me as he starts to leave my office. "Hey thanks again for trading names this means a lot to me." I say. "You're welcome" he says to me.

Sylvie's PovIt was nearing the end of shift. The time where we were exchanging Secret Santa gifts. We all gather around the tree in the common room. "aww thanks this will work perfect for my brewing business. I'm going to guess Mouch." Gallo says. "yep that's from me." he says. I was the last one to go but there were no more presents under the tree. Great another thing to disappoint me this Christmas. I thought to myself. "I'm sorry Sylvie but yours got delivered to the wrong address. It will be here in the morning. I'm really sorry but you will love it I promise" he say trying not to smile to much. "It's okay. things like this happen. Thanks for letting me know" I say trying not to sound sad. I feel like all they see is sad Sylvie these days. After we are done its time to head out. All I wanna do is head home and go to sleep and forget this shift ever happened. I grab my stuff from my locker and head to my car. It takes me about 10 minutes to get home. I park grab my bag from the back seat and walk up to the 4th floor. I walk into my apartment drop my bag by the door. I notice an exceptionally large box next to my Christmas tree that was not there when I left for shift yesterday. I walk over and read the tag. Open Me! Merry Christmas your secret Santa. I thought Severide said it got delivered to the wrong address and that it would be here tomorrow morning. Wonder what he got that is this big. I start to unwrap the box. I'm about half way with it unwrapped when it pops open. "Surprise!! Merry Christmas" Matt says as he pops up out of the box. I stumble backward in shock. "what.... how.... when.... huh.... You're really here" I say as matt get out of the box. "I was able to get my shit covered so Merry Christmas babe." he says "You're really here" I say jumping into his arms as he twirls me around. "That I am." he says giving me a kiss. "I'm So so so happy this is the best." I say kissing him back. "Well I am all yours for the next 2 1/2 weeks." he says pulling me closer to him. "Well then I have a lot planed I've got a whole list of Christmas things we can do." I say as I pull the list out of the draw next to the couch. "of course you have an actually list." he says with a chuckle. "What shall we do first." he says taking the list from me and looking it over. "Oh the list can wait. Right now we have a lot of catching up to do." I say as I pull him towards the bedroom. 

Hey guys long time since I posted. I finally found motivation to write something during my busy schedule.  I hope you guys enjoy it. I might do a part two of this with it being about Sylvie's Christmas list plans she has written.  As Always feel free to vote comment and leave a suggestion. 

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