Chapter 2. Holy Cow

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"Guys! Get out here! I got some beef!" Toxic called as she walked up the the log cabin. Eight other people appeared at the door of the cabin. Blaze said "I don't think one cow will feed all of us, Toxic." Toxic grinned and said "Who said it was one cow?" Blaze gaped as Toxic pulled out nine more pieces of beef.

"Holy cow!" Ranger yelled. Cloud raised an eyebrow and said "Horrible puns. Move forward with caution." Coco asked "How the Nether did you find that many cows, Toxic?" Toxic shrugged and replied "I found a meadow that was loaded with them." Dave rolled his eyes and said "Um, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm so hungry I could eat a tree."

The others agreed quickly and helped Toxic bring the beef inside the log cabin. Pro said "I'll put it in the furnace. Toxic, you set up the rest of the food. Ranger, you go get water from the river." Both Toxic and Ranger raised their eyebrows. "Who died and put you in charge?" They said in unison. They managed straight faces for approximately three seconds, then burst out laughing.

Pro, by now, was considerably red with embarrassment. She said "Fine. If you want to shove all this into the furnace, be my guest." Ranger asked "Is it really that hard?" Pro rolled her eyes and said "How about you go and get Mineral instead? We need more coal for the furnace." Ranger performed a dramatic bow and said "As you wish, my lady."

Pro would have made a smart remark but Ranger had already disappeared. She could move unbelievably fast when she wanted to, Pro thought. Toxic said "What will we have with the beef?" She turned to Lizzy, who, of course, was an expert on food protocol. "Well...the beef would go well with cooked potatoes, an apple, a slice of bread, and water." Lizzy answered, looking thoughtful.

"Although it would also work with beetroot soup, carrots-" Toxic interrupted quickly "Okay, I'll just get the first list." She hurried off before Lizzy could start rambling again. Lizzy gave Toxic the "next-time-you-do-that-I'll-slap-you-with-a-fish" look and walked away. Ranger walked back in and said "Right, Mineral's looking for coal. Wait, where's Steph?" She looked around.

Toxic looked too, and Steph was nowhere to be found. Coco said "I think I know where she is. Wait here." She walked upstairs to Steph's room and opened the door. Before her was a sight she couldn't understand, and probably never would. She was sitting on the bed, engaged in a conversation...with herself.

Coco wasn't close enough to hear what she was saying to herself. She scuffed her iron boots on the floor to let Steph know she was coming in. Opening the door wider she walked in. Steph was sitting there, looking at her. "Hey, Coco. What's up?" She asked, smiling. Coco replied "What's up, Steph, is that you were just talking to yourself." Steph said, waving it away "Oh, that's nothing. I have a girl named Ender in my head. Happens all the time." Coco looked at her as if she had gone crazy, which she probably had.

"Okay...that's a little weird, but you mind coming downstairs? Toxic got a ton of beef today." Steph's eyes grew wide and she said "Great! I'm so hungry I could eat a tree." Coco grinned and said "That's exactly what Dave said. Now come on, it's probably almost done!" Steph led Coco out the door and down the stairs. Coco froze at the bottom of the steps and looked around.

She shrugged and walked into the kitchen. Steph stayed behind for a moment to straighten the carpet, and suddenly she heard a bloodcurdling scream from the kitchen...

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