Chapter 51. Punching Herobrine (Part 2)

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Blaze stopped breathing completely.

She looked at Wolf, Ranger, Toxic, Steph, and Dave, who were looking at Herobrine with anger and horror in their eyes. "No! Don't do it, Blaze!" Wolf cried, trying to run at Herobrine, but Steph held her back.

"Wolf, don't. This is her choice and hers alone." She said solemnly.

Blaze looked into Herobrine's eyes. She saw nothing but emotionless white. He floated gently to the hole in the ceiling and said "Join me and be the Commander in my army. You'll get your heart, as well as the second highest rank in my kingdom."

Ranger saw the conflict in Blaze's eyes and she knew the blaze hybrid's mind must be chaos trying to decide between her lifelong wish and her lifelong friends.

Slowly, she stood from her position on the ground.

Looking from Herobrine to the group beside her, there was deathly silence. Nobody dared speak. There was only the muted crackle of the leftover flame on the rim of the hole in the roof.

Blaze closed her eyes, blocking out the tension of the real world. Mentally transporting herself to a calm, peaceful place, she thought about the choice.

If she went with Herobrine, she would get her heart. The thing she had wished for since she had lost it. She would also get the second highest rank in Herobrine's army.

If she chose her friends, she would keep their trust and loyalty, as well as their companionship and their help during battle, and their helpfulness during times of crisis.

After a few more seconds, Blaze exited her dream world. She had made her choice.

Slowly, she began to float up to where Herobrine was standing on the roof, a triumphant smile plastered on his face. Landing in front of him, she stared at him, and for a moment, all was still. Ranger closed her eyes and sighed inaudibly. Blaze had chosen Herobrine.

Looking down at her friends, she made eye contact with Wolf, who was watching the scene unfold with shattered hope, and she turned away abruptly, unable to look at them, for fear of being overwhelmed in guilt.

Herobrine stepped forward and said, smiling "You've made the right choice." Blaze raised her head so that she was level with Herobrine's eyes. She nodded slowly, still uncertain.

He had no idea what hit him.

Blaze, drawing every ounce of power and strength in her body, punched him in the face. Hard. She actually heard several small bones crack as he went flying off the side of the roof. A small shockwave was sent out from the point of impact.

Dropping back down into the house, she stood before her friends, who were gaping at her. She watched Mineral fly up through the hole in the ceiling and over to where Herobrine lay, unconscious on the ground.

After checking for vital signs, an orange glow surrounded them, and they were gone. Probably to Herobrine's fortress to have him healed by medical professionals. And he was certainly going to need them.

She looked back to her friends, who were still gaping.

"What? He was getting on my nerves." She said casually.

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