Chapter 34. Sorcery

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"Lord Herobrine, I'm sorry they escaped. But it wasn't my fault," Zero pleaded. Herobrine gave him a cold look and growled "It was your job to kill Blaze and Wolf. You failed the mission. The blame is on you and only you." Zero bowed his head and said "True. But you never said the one named Wolf was your sister."

"I wouldn't want you switching sides, now would I?" Herobrine said in a silky tone. Zero flinched a little, then said "I honor the promises I make. You will not be betrayed by me." Herobrine studied Zero for a second more, then said "Swear to me never to leave my command."

"I, Zero, solemnly swear to you, Herobrine, that I will not betray you. I say this in the name of everything I hold sacred." He said, placing a hand on his heart. Herobrine nodded and waved a hand. "Good. Now get out. Do not fail me again."

Zero nodded and replied "I don't plan to." Then he left the throne room, leaving Herobrine alone. After Zero had vanished, Herobrine took out his obsidian dagger. Studying it, he knew the enchantments were good. That much he could tell by looking at it. Charging his hand with electricity, he touched his hand to the blade.

No blood was drawn. Only a small mark, barely penetrating his skin. But it was good enough. A shockwave tore through the room, leaving the windows shaking and the lights shutting off in its wake. Herobrine felt the power leave his body to inhabit the blade of the obsidian dagger.

Closing his eyes, he imagined what he could do with the dagger. All at once, the obsidian blade began to glow dangerous black. Herobrine sensed the power link had shut off. But the dagger had all the energy it needed.

The dagger was a channel for his power, focusing it into one point in space. Lifting the point of the obsidian dagger, he focused it on one of the guards. The guard froze. Herobrine tilted the dagger's point upward and the guard levitated off the ground.

Herobrine let the point fall down again and the guard's feet were on solid ground once more. Letting the dagger fall to his side, the freezing trance of the dagger vanished. The guard continued on, a aware of the events that had occurred.

Herobrine grinned. This new dagger was the perfect weapon against his enemies. Now all he had to do was wait.

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