Chapter 42. Plan B

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"TOXIC!" Herobrine bellowed as he ran to her quarters. He heard her voice say "For god's sake, come in." He burst through the double doors to find her still studying the map. He said "IS IT TRUE?"

Toxic smiled and said "Is what true?" Herobrine's eyes glowed brighter and he said "THAT YOU'RE MINERAL!" Toxic smiled again and shook her head. "I thought you'd see my genius plan, Briney."

He walked over and said "Tell me your plan so that I might understand it better." Toxic nodded and said "First up, Plan A was me being stabbed by your obsidian dagger to throw them off course, then coming to you. Plan B was switching my skin with Mineral's."

"SO YOU ARE MINERAL!" He roared. Toxic simply frowned. "If you keep thinking like that, you'll be fired in a day. No, idiot, I'm not Mineral. Well, if it confuses you, all the better. My plan was to switch some of my memories to her, and take some of her memories for myself, essentially switching our memories.

"So when the time comes, they will switch Mineral's skin back to my skin for her, thinking she's me and I'm her. Then, when they're not looking, I will reverse them again, so they will go after her and not me, so I can sneak in with them and they won't suspect me."

She grinned. The sight of it actually scared Herobrine.

"Then, I will lead them to a pre-decided spot in Minecraftia, where you will be waiting with an ambush. Before the ambush, the real Mineral will make an appearance, and they will attack, thinking Mineral's evil. Then you lead the army down to attack them, and they won't stand a chance, between you, my army, and me."

Herobrine was confused beyond belief. "So, you're not Mineral, the other person is Mineral, but you've switched memories, and they'll switch her skin to yours, when they're not looking you switch it back and capture her, you take her place, lead them to an ambush site, the real Mineral appears, they attack Mineral, then I lead the army in the attack, and between the three forces they'll be destroyed."

Toxic grinned evilly and said "Bingo. Now go set up the ambush. I have to set up the rest of the trap." And with that, she was gone.

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