Special Note:

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Greetings! Several people have told me the former chapter was quite confusing. I agree wholeheartedly. I will now provide a summary of Toxic's plan, and it will be much easier to understand. Read on if you're confused!

Toxic switched Mineral's memories, so Mineral thinks she's Toxic. Seto will eventually switch her skin to Toxic's, also thinking Mineral is Toxic. Now that Mineral and Toxic both look the same, Toxic captures Mineral and takes her place, and nobody will know the difference. Herobrine switches Mineral's skin back to her own. Toxic leads the heroes to the ambush site, where the falsely accused Mineral will make an appearance. They will attack Mineral, thinking she is evil. After that's done, Toxic will signal Herobrine, and he will send in his army for the ambush.

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