Chapter 27. Injured Pride

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"I take it you're allied with Flashlight Eyes?" Wolf asked Zero. Zero smiled and replied "Yep. But I call him Saltwater." Blaze grinned and said "That would be funny if you weren't here to destroy us." Zero nodded and said "Very true. Now if you don't mind..."

Zero unsheathed his enchanted diamond sword. Wolf and Blaze both tried to figure out the enchantments, but all they could decipher was the flame enchantment, which would be of little use since both Wolf and Blaze were invulnerable to fire.

Blaze said "So, what exactly did Herobrine tell you?" Zero replied "He didn't tell me anything, to tell the truth. I just thought he would be a good ally." Wolf raised an eyebrow and said "And we wouldn't be?" Zero looked at Blaze and Wolf, then said "If your friends are just like you, I'd say Herobrine has a snowflake's chance in the Nether of beating you."

"Then why join him?" Wolf said reasonably. Of course, Zero wasn't a reasonably kind of person. "Because with my help, he can defeat you." He said with a sneer. Blaze whispered to Wolf "Egotistical Level: Maximum Capacity." Zero stiffened and Blaze realized he had heard what she said.

"In case you don't realize who I am, I am Zero, the best and most regarded warrior in the known world." He said with a hint of injured pride in his voice. Wolf turned to Blaze and said "Well, we certainly aren't known, are we?" Blaze replied "I'd say not." Zero said "Aw, too bad. Now let me stick my sword into you."

Blaze just managed to jump out of the way as Zero's diamond sword cleaved downwards in front of her. Wolf realized that the blow would have split her in half. "Sheesh! Chill out!" She said, summoning fire in her palm. Zero rolled his eyes.

"Great. Should've known you'd have powers too." He grumbled to himself. Wolf leapt forward and spun, sending the fireball on its way in midair. Zero dodged, executing a perfect backflip and landing on his feet. Blaze raised an eyebrow and said "Need any help, Wolfie?"

"Nah, I can manage. And don't call me that."
"Whatever you say."

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