Chapter 64. Dragon's Fang

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The end is drawing near...

The entire Endstone island writhed with green fire.

There were shouts - of surprise, but not pain. She looked over to the others, and saw they were not burning. And would not burn unless she wanted them to. She was the sole controller of the fire.

The Ender Dragon was not so lucky.

The flames burned his black skin, small wisps of smoke curling from the spines on his back. He roared and swiped at the fire, to no avail. Realizing he couldn't fight the blazing flames, he outstretched his wings.

Everybody on the island was buffeted with a powerful gust of wind as his wings flapped once, then twice, carrying the Ender Dragon into the void sky. Toxic allowed her hold on the flames to slip, extinguishing them all at once as she exhaled sharply.

She saw the bewildered look on her friends faces and almost grinned at their confusion. Then, she switched her mind back to serious mode, and the flames in her palms went out as she ran to Wolf's side.

The burn was as bad as ever. Wolf hissed when Toxic ran a gentle hand over it; whether it was from the pain or from indignation, Toxic would never know. It was hot, burning hot.

Too hot to be healthy. But where in the world was she supposed to get water? Then, she turned to Scarlett, who was watching with a blank expression. And as fast as lightning, she appeared beside Wolf.

"I'll help." She said, her voice betraying almost no emotion. A small stream of water emerged from Scarlett's hand, wrapping itself around Wolf's arm, cooling and healing the burn.

Toxic jumped a little when Blaze appeared beside Scarlett. "Here." Blaze said, holding out bandages. Toxic took them, looking curiously at a small satchel. Blaze tapped it and said "I have pretty much everything in here."

Toxic didn't waste any time wondering. She quickly wrapped the bandages around Wolf's arm, making sure it was tight, but not so tight that she was in danger of having her blood circulation cut off.

"I still don't forgive you for what you did to my daughter. Be happy I helped you at all." Scarlett said, her face blank as usual. Toxic didn't reply. She didn't need to.

Ranger said, her voice panicky "I don't want to be the bearer of bad news here, but we seem to have an angry Ender Dragon flying straight at us." Toxic's head snapped up, and her eyes narrowed. There was indeed an angry dragon flying at them.

Toxic glanced at them and said "This is my fight and mine alone. Anybody intervenes, they answer to me. Not get out of the way. This won't take long." Seeing the grim determination in her eyes, they backed away several paces.

A thunderous roar shook the tiny island, and Toxic faced the dragon that had for so long been her master. She sensed that there were no powers assisting hers this time.


The Ender Dragon's dark laughter boomed around her, and she heard him say "Even you cannot break a fire resistance potion, Toxic. Now you shall deal with me, fool, and all the powers of-"

"Okay, okay, can we get on with it, Maleficent?" Toxic asked.

In answer, searing purple flames shot out at her, and she was forced to jump over them as she contemplated how to get past the fire resistance spell the Ender Dragon had put upon himself.

If her solidified shadows couldn't kill Scarlett, then obviously they wouldn't kill the Ender Dragon, so they were out of the question. Then, an idea sparked like a lightbulb turning on.

As she landed, she held her arms out, palms facing upward, and closed her eyes. Warmth flooded through her as her fire magic activated. The Ender Dragon chuckled softly and said "Go ahead and try to use your flames."

And she did.

Her hands clenched, but no fire surrounded them. The Ender Dragon's eyes widened, and he let out a shriek that would have raised the dead. His eyes that were once purple turned green.

The spines on his back glowed green. In between the scales on his body, green light shone through. A thin layer of smoke engulfed the dragon. The shriek hadn't stopped; it had grown higher in pitch.

A fire resistance spell only worked outside the subject. Any fire inside the body wasn't effected. And so, Toxic had used that fact to her advantage. She was, literally, burning the Ender Dragon from the inside out.

The shriek came to an abrupt end. The green light faded, and Toxic's eyes opened. Now there was nothing left of the Ender Dragon but darkened ashes and a single gleaming white tooth. Walking up to it, Toxic felt the need to keep a fragment of her past in order to face the future.

She grabbed it and slipped it into a pocket in her suit.

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