cheolsoo (prince)*

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Your common disney kind of story since this girl over here have been binging on Tangled, Encanto, Beauty and the Beast and Maleficient a lot this day.


Joshua had grown up to be a beautiful young man. He's been living with his grandmother in the enchanted wood, far from the city, away from the people for his entire life. His parents had leave him with his grandmother ever since he was a baby so he never know how does his parents look like. His grandma said, he look a lot like his mother but he have his father's intelligence.

Joshua never meet anyone beside his garandma for his whole life. It's not like his grandma forbidden him to come with her when she go to the town to buy a groceries, it just, Joshua prefer to stay at his house. He spend all his day reading books and sometime even play in the wood. He even be friend with some of the little animals there like rabbit, birds and even a stag.

"Joshua honey," the boy who was busy reading heard his grandma calling out for him. He quickly put his book aside, carefully, and run downstair to her.

"Yes grandma," he walk over to the said woman who seem like she's ll go to the town again with a wooden basket in her hand, she ever wore a red cape that she always use.

"I'm going to the town now, please take care of yourself. Can you swept the floor for me? And then you can go out to the wood if you want. Just don't forget to put the key at the same spot," she said, steping out from the house with a smiling Joshua trailing behind her.

"Of course grandma. Have a safe trip," he said as they going apart, Joshua wave a goodbye to the grandmother when hr almost vanished from his sight before run to the kitchen and grabs the broom.

After sweeping all the house clean, Joshua took his own cape and his book feom his room  putting it into his bag and start heading out.

The weather is undoubtly nice that day, the sun shine brightly, the birds chipping melodically together and he sometime can't help but think he is living in a fairy tale. Oh perhaps, he have been read too much romance books lately.

As he walk deeper into the wood, some of his animlas friends start coming toward him, walking beside the boy as Joshua greets all of them nicely. Eventho they are just an animal, they are his only friends and he like to treat them like one.

Joshua finally arrived at his usual spot, under a big tree. He settle down and start reading his unfinish book. Joshua is so into the story of the prince and the princess living in their magnificent lovely fairy tale and oh how envy Joshua is with them. He even start dreaming about what if he's one of those character.

The surrounding is so calm and peaceful, Jishua just can't stop reading when he suddenly heard the sound of rattling sound comw from the bushes near him followed by someone groans in pain. Joshua stop reading his book while the animlas aroumd him had run away due to fear. Joshua put his book into the bag, ready to run away when he heard another mumbling sound.

"W-who's there!?" He asked with a shacky voice.

The mumbling stop and once again the wood become calm and peaceful back. Not long after that, someone come out from the bushes. There, standing a boy with not too big yet not too small eyes, have a long eyelashes, a thick shining silver hair, wearing in quite fancy dress compare to Joshua.

"H-hi," the boy greets, smiling smugly after.

"Who re you?", Jkshua asked, he take a few step back, ready to run if the boy try to do aything funny to him.

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