Phone Call

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Nadia's POV:

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Nadia's POV:

It's been two days since we got the call from Roman. It's also the day my family have to go back home. Sarah and Nikolay have school and my parents have their jobs to do. They help train young agents when they aren't being assassins.

James was leaving as he had a date with a girl back in his town. I hope it works out well for him because I could see the way his face lit up when he was talking about her. He said they have been friends for a while and a week ago he admitted that he liked her and so did she and now they are going on a date.

Brian and I were at the door with the kids, seeing all my family out.

"Пока Мама. Пока Папа." (Bye) I shout to them as they get in their car.

"Пока любимый." Мама shouted back. (Darling)

"Пока дорогая." Папа shouted. (Sweetheart)

"Say bye bye to your бабушка и дедушка and дяди." I say to the kids. (Grandparents and uncles)

They all wave goodbye to us as they get in their cars. The twins run over to Andy and their cousins to say goodbye again. They all hug each other before getting in the car and the twins run over to James and do the same to him before running back over to us.

"We wanted to give them huggies." Myles says.

"That was very nice of you, Myles." Brian says.

"I went too." Natasha says.

"It was kind of you too, Natasha." I praise.

The three cars drive out of the driveway and off back home. We'll be seeing them again soon. We arranged to have a day out with all the kids when we get back to America and James was going to come and visit us. Plus I knew I would be hearing from him soon about the date he has.

"Come on then, everyone inside." Brian says, carrying Sebastian in his arms and the twins follow behind him. I give it a minute, watching the cars disappear out the driveway.

I feel sad every time they leave but I know I'll see them soon.


Brian and I had just gotten the kids to sleep and were about to watch a movie together when his phone went off. He picked it up and looked to see who was ringing but it was an unknown number.

He picked up the phone and cautiously put it up to his ear, worried that it could be Cipher.

"Hello." He said.

"Is this Brian O'Conner?" The person on the other end said. They had a very distinctly English accent.

"Yes. Who's asking?"

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