Chapter 29

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Natasha played with Gaurav's fingers as they lay peacefully on the bed. It was one of those soulful moments when they'd enjoy each others' company without any stress of work or fear of being called on work suddenly. And they savoured each second of it.

"I talked to my parents about your proposal." Natasha resumed the conversation after a long pause. Gaurav opened his eyes after the heated session and looked at her.

"I propose to you many things." He urged her to elaborate.

"The marriage proposal." She added.

"Finally! What did they say?" He asked getting excited.

"They agreed..."

Gaurav instantly pecked her lips to show his happiness.

"...Let me finish..." Natasha chuckled.


"But they want the wedding to be simple...Only close family members would be invited...If that is okay with you."

"I am fine with everything till I have you." He said romantically and Natasha smiled at it.

"So, which date should we finalize?" He asked as he brought his phone from the side table. Natasha whined when he took the blanket along with him, making her pull it quickly to cover herself.

"Nothing I didn't see already!" He teased and unlocked his phone to let her see the phone.

"Shut up." Natasha scolded him for being so blunt.

"2 missed calls?" Natasha frowned when she saw the screen.

"Why did Nupur call me?" Gaurav almost asked himself.

Natasha patiently waited as he called Nupur again. It was already late at night.

"Hey, Nupur." Gaurav greeted as he knew she was in one of her relatives' houses in Pune.

Gaurav listened patiently to her and after a minute or so, cancelled the call.

"What was she saying?" Natasha asked.

"She asked me to tell Viraj that her father wants them to have lunch together and discuss the procession of the wedding. Apparently, they need to do a lot of shopping for themselves and the guests. Also, she wants to meet him at the Taj." He answered.

"Why is she telling it to you then?" Natasha asked.

"You know she is scared of Viraj!"

"Whatever! She can't be shy with her own fiance! Why is she like this?" Natasha whined.

"She doesn't want to get on his bad side. She thinks Viraj will doubt her for forcing her father to instruct so. And, if he denies to go out with her, then his own father will question him."

"God! Why is Nupur playing with Viraj! Poor guy! He doesn't even want her."

Gaurav sighed. The auction and the birthday dance were fresh in their minds. And, they both thought the same thing.

"And, he can't get the girl he wants, either." Gaurav added.

"He can...But he is just too proud to accept his feelings for her! I mean...even a child can see that he likes her. I just don't understand why he himself can't see it."

"Viraj threw the pine cone in the front of Sneha." Gaurav told her the news.


"It was what Sneha offered for the auction. Viraj threw it."

"He what? Why? And who told you this?" Natasha asked.

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