can tell something is off

538 55 20

Moving his arms up, type bucked his body to then lay it flat, to turn his head to eye has his alarm started to go off, he then turned to his side to then turn it off, to take in a deep breathe.
Rolling his eyes, type then got slowly up to then go to the shower to yawn, he really missed the week he was able to take off, for the last two, he had been working very hard with things mr. Tyme gave too him. Also, type had saw Mr. Tyme a bit more in these last two weeks, for him to be really eyeing type and he really couldn't understand why, every time type talked to him about it, all Mr. Tyme would say he does not find him interesting, then would drop everything to leave.
Type was lost in a world of confusement, he also could not get really close to this man to gather what he needed, also to try to read him was very difficult.
After, type was to be getting dressed, to then place his recorder to the lining of his pocket too then get up to sign has he needed to go to work.
Going to the office, type went in to eye over Mr. Tyme to then roll his eyes to go forth.
"May I help you mr. Tyme?"
Type asked has he sat.
Mr. Tyme sat his phone down to then look over him.
"I can be too here if I want. How is work going for you?"
Type darted his eyes over the files, to shrug.
"Just fine."
Mr. tyme then tilted his head to the side.
"Are you... Going to take your "vitamins?"
Type stopped moving papers about to then slowly look up to Mr. Tyme.
"Mm.... Not yet."
Type then looked right back down.
"Why not now?"
Mr. Tyme then wrapped his arms about..
Type shrugged.
"I can later."
Mr. Tyme narrowed his eyes.
"Seems..... You take them at one particular time."
Type started to breathe heavily.
"Not.... Really....."
"You have an alarm for them though."
Type peered his eyes to Mr. Tyme to look him over.
"Why are you asking me these things?"
Mr. Tyme shrugged to then get up to see behind him to look down, type looked forward.
"Curiosity. Make sure you find something inconsistent today."
Mr. Tyme then placed his hands to his shoulders to then go to his ear.
"I do mean today type. Also don't forget to take your..... Vitamins."
Mr. Tyme lightly chuckled to then turn to leave.
Type turned his head to watch him leave to make a confused face.
What was that about?
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head back to then take a hand to his pocket too then switch of his recorder, to then get to work to slightly go over that conversation.
To his office, Mr. Tyme sat down to start to dart his eyes over his computer to then lean into his chair.
Playing with this man is very comical. However, how I was will ruin more play.
Mr. Tyme smiled and wide to then place his hand to his chin to then go to his computer to start to read manga books about what y type was, to then open another to read about that one generation of what made type this way.
Leaning in his chair, type placed his hands to his eyes to rub to then get up with a yawn to go about the office to then go to eat something, he was getting hungry.
Has he left, he hung his head to bring up his arm to then look to his wrist to eye his watch has it started to go off.
Type then turned it off, to then continue to go forth not to realize he went passed the bathrooms to where Mr. Tyme was coming out, to then eye type has he passed has he looked to his watch.
Mr. Tyme raised an eye brow to then smile and wide.
Going to the break room, type started something to eat, to then take out his pill bottle to then start to open to then jump when he heard the front door slam behind him.
Signing, he looked down to see his medication scattered to the floor, he then went to his knees to then start to pick it up to then place it back to the bottle.
Mr. tyme tilted his head to eye over this action to then go more forth.
"Why..... Are these vitamins so precious to you?"
Type made a face to then go to his knees once more to then place the pills back to then take one out, to then get up, to place the bottle back to his pants to then place that pill to his mouth to then look for a cup to fill it with water.
Mr. Tyme moved and quick, to then grab a cup to then fill it to then turn to bring it up, type looked over him highly confused to then shrug to grab the cup to then turn to place his body to the counter to then drink.
Mr. Tyme placed his hand to the counter to they look over type.
"So.... Are you going to answer my question?"
Type gulped to then take in a very deep breathe, to then turn to place the cup to the sink to eye.
"Don't..... Like to waste money. That's all."
"Uh huh."
Type town his eyes to then turn his head to look over Mr. Tyme head on.
"There not drugs. Is that why you are questioning me like this?"
Mr. Tyme made a face.
Should I reveal what I know of them and what he is or...... Play with him a bit more?
Mr. Tyme took in a deep breathe to then move his hand up to eye a water droplet to then place his thumb to his chin to wipe it away.
Type gritted his teeth to then bring up his hand to wrap it about his wrist to turn.
"What are you doing?"
Mr. tyme slowly looked up to his eyes. Type then raised an eye brow.
"You're finding interest in me, aren't you? However, it is a hard pass. I am not gay."
Mr. Tyme scoffed.
He then took his hand away to step a bit closer, type eyed him up and down to step back until they reached the wall, Mr. Tyme then placed a hand next to his head to continue to eye type deeply.
"Mm..... But I can't really seem to control that, now can I type, especially with what you are."
Type looked over Mr. Tyme confused.
"What are you talking about?"
Mr. Tyme lightly chuckled to withdraw his hand to then turn to leave.
Type started to breathe heavily, to then dart his eyes about the empty space to then look down.
What in the hell was fucking that! And why could I still not get a fucking read on him!
Fuck! This is so very bad!
Type signed to make a face to be getting lost in confusement.

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