who do you belong to?

409 32 26

Signing has he was being pulled, risto looked to luca to then hang his head to look down.
Going and quick through the building, getting to a bedroom Luca tossed risto in to then turn to the door to shut and lock to then go to him to slap at his ass and hard, risto tensed to then place his hands to his butt to make a face.
Luca then placed his body to his to wrap his arms about, to place a hand to his throat, to keep the other arm wrapped about his body to go to his ear.
"You've been being very bad and naughty risto."
Risto signed to keep looking forward has Luca placed his mouth to his neck to start to lightly kiss..
"Luca......you need to stop, know I can't be touched by anyone other then Mr. Ty......"
Luca took his mouth off to then squeeze at ristos neck, he brought up his hands to place to his to choke a bit. Luca then used his body to take them forward to be before a bed, he then stopped to turn him about to grab at his wrists to bring them up to dart his eyes over him.
"You are not a possession to be owned, but a person, my person."
Risto rolled his eyes.
"That statement suggests I'm then your possession and.....mm...."
Risto turned his head a bit to the side has he felt Luca place his mouth back to his neck to start to nibble.
"Luca......you need to.....nn....stop..... We can't...... Do this......."
Luca lightly chuckled to move his head back to eye over him.
Risto made a face.
"I was intoxicated. Should never have happened. If this gets found out...... I've heard what Mr. Tyme does to people, I don't....."
Luca made a hard face to then place his hands to ristos body to then push him to the bed, to then place his hands to his shirt to start to unbutton has he kept his gaze to him..
Risto sat to the edge to have his hands behind him to look over Luca.
"Luca! We can't do this!"
Luca rolled his eyes to then take off his shirt to throw to the side to then step towards risto to place his hands to his face, risto placed his hands to his wrists to grip.
"You seem to be so afraid of what this Mr. Tyme could do, and yet you don't seem the least bit scared what my family could do if you deny me."
Risto took in a deep breathe.
"It's because I know you would never go to them for something like this."
Luca raised an eye brow to then slowly take his hands down to his chest to then push him lightly down to then hover over.
"Mm.... And why is that?"
Laying to the bed, risto turned his head to the side to then curl his botton lip inward to bite into it to coo has Luca went once more to his neck to consume, he then placed his thumbs to his exposed nipples to then rub them about to get them erect.
Luca lifted his head up a bit to moan.
"Ah luca.......you need to stop....."
Luca went to his ear has he started to move his hands slowly down to place them too the sides of the thong he wore to start to take down.
"Tell me why risto....."
Risto placed his hands to Lucas head to grip his hair to move his body a bit has he felt his thong being taken down, he then moved his legs up to bend to start to breathe a bit hard.
"Mmm.... Damnit Luca.....I...... Don't want to lose my job and..... Get in trouble....."
Luca stopped kissing his neck to then move his head up to eye over him, he then placed a hand to his cock to move it up and down sensually to then take his hand to his throat to grip a bit to dart his eyes over him.
"I know you have a massive debt and that is why you whore yourselve, I've told you, my family can take you in, keep you safe from this other..... You need to Just accept it."
Luca placed his head slowly down to place his mouth to his for soft sweet kisses.
Risto shook a bit, to then have his head be turned softly to the side to feel Luca back to his neck to be kissing, he then moved his hand from his member to then take it to his pants to undo to then whip out his cock to place to his to then grind himself up and down.
Ristos whole body tensed to then lift his head back.
"Aaah Luca!"
Luca then used his hands to lower and take away his pants and boxers to throw to the side, to then wrap his arms about his legs to then move his groin about to then place his tip to his outter to then go to his ear.
"You want me right risto?"
Risto wrapped his arms about his neck to sign.
"Your going to get me killed Luca."
Luca rolled his eyes to then take his head back to look over risto.
"If this Mr. Tyme does anything to you, I'll kill him. Now please..... Stop denying me, tell me I can....."
Risto looked to luca to then press his mouth to his to then lower his body to then engulf his cock, for them to move there bodies with the other.
Both climaxing, risto was stomach to look to the wall to shake his head.
Mr. Tyme is going to find out about this and I'm going to be killed!
Getting up after he buttoned up his shirt he then turned to look over risto.
"I don't have time now, but when I come back you and I will talk."
Risto signed to then turn to go to his back to look to him.
"I'm not going to be owned from this place to then yours, the answer is no."
Luca rolled his eyes.
"It wouldn't be like that."
Risto slowly got up to eye over him.
"Yes it will........ I'm..... Nothing but a possession....... Nothing.....but a fucking whore....."
Luca made a hard face has he watched risto get up to go to a near by bathroom to slam the door.
Luca looked to the ceiling.
You can be so much more, you and I both know this.......
Luca signed has he heard his watch going off, he really needed to go.
He then looked to the door.
Until next time.......

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