interesting new development

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Furrowing his brow a bit, type groaned to then slowly turn his head the other way has he was too his stomach to then move his hand up and down the bed to feel the emptyness to then make a face.
Why do I care if he is here?
Type then slowly opened his eyes to roll them to look about to then turn his head to place his forehead forward to rub amongst the sheets to then turn it the other way to widen his eyes a bit has Mr. Tyme was to the side back to him standing to button up his jacket to then turn to eye over type to smirk.
"Didn't think you would wake before I left. Believe I gave you a bit to much last night." He lightly chuckled.
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head forward to look at the head board.
"I was just tired. Why are you leaving it's Saturday?"
Mr. Tyme tilted his head to then move something from behind him, type raised an eye brow when he heard a click.
He turned his head to look over Mr. tyme, who then wrapped his arms about himself.
"I have something to do. Also...... Are you wanting me to stay?"
Mr. Tyme then went about to then sit to try and place his hand to types back for him to move away, Mr. Tyme then raised an eye brow.
"You wrote a contract to not touch me again."
Mr. Tyme laughed and hard.
"If you didn't like it, we both know you did."
Mr. Tyme then furrowed his brow to then turn his head a bit to then grab his phone to answer to start to talk in Russian.
Types eyes darted to then really listen. That was one of the languages he was fluent in.
Hanging up, Mr. Tyme then placed the phone to his pocket too then place his hand to types chin to lift up his eyes to start to move his thumb about, type rolled his eyes to then take his head away to then shuffle to the side to wrap his arms about himself to look forward.
"Didn't know you could speak in a different language other then Thai. What was that.... German?"
Mr. Tyme then got up, for type to eye him.
"It was Russian. I need to go. My lover better be here when I get back."
Type signed to then get up to place his hands behind him.
"If..... It's a work thing, I should go to."
Type then placed his hand to the blanket to try to pull it back for Mr. Tyme to be a bit quicker to give type quite the stare down.
"You are going to stay here. A lot of different things have to happen first for you to be able to accompany me to..... This part of my life."
Types heart started to accelerate in his chest.
"You..... Have a different life?" Type asked trying to sound confused.
Mr. Tyme looked over him to place a hand to his face to caress.
"Maybe. What you should know is, you are my only lover. Be here when I get back. Worry over a consequence."
Mr. Tyme then started to go closer, for type to start to breathe heavily to eye his lips to then gulp to come into reality. He then placed his hands to his chest to push him back to eye over him.
"I won't kiss someone I do not love!"
Mr. Tyme took in a deep breathe to then turn to start to leave.
"Guess were just going to have to change that."
Type gulped has he watched Mr. Tyme leave to then look down to recall that conversation in Russian. It was about Mr. Tyme having to deal with the target in an aggressive way.
Type signed to then get out of the bed to go about to the bathroom to relieve himself to then go to the sink to wash his hands to eye the action.
What do I have to do to be part of that life? I can now see how I can bring down that son of a bitch down but....... How can I be able to go with him to.....
Type groaned to then look up has it clicked.
Can I do that though? Give all of me to......
Type gritted his teeth to then take his hands out from the water to then dry to go about to head to the dresser to look through some clothes since his were gone to grab a pair of boxers and a large shirt.
After he then went to the kitchen to start to go about to make food.
Sitting, he then eyed it with a face to then place a hand to his stomach has it started to hurt a bit.
He signed has he remembered what the doctor had said about that other pill. If you take it and are having sex this could happen.
Guess..... Have to stop taking that pill and.....
Type then placed his elbows to the table to place his hands to his head to shake it a bit.
Can I really give myself to this prick? I am not gay!
Type made a face when he remembered ceto and other guys who acted a bit like Mr. Tyme try to get to him.
Type couldn't help but to gag.
Taking his hands away he then started to nibble at his food to take in a deep breathe.
You need to do what you must to nail this son of a bitch.
Type flexed his jaw to then eat his food to then get up to sign has he started to clean his plate to then load it to the dish washer to then step away to wrap his arms about himself to take in a very deep breathe to close his eyes.
It would only be for a little while, then you could still have the life you want with a woman to have a baby, to be normal..... You just have to do this first.....
Type gritted his teeth to then turn about to know exactly what to do.

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