damn my body!

412 51 18

Hanging his head a bit, type squeezed his eyes tightly has he had his knees to the chair, and hands gripping the back and hard to moan and loud.
Mr. Tyme was to be standing to the front of the chair with types legs opened a bit to have his hands to his waist to help move type back and forth has he was fully deep inside of him.
"Well.....nn.... This was quite.....a surprise from my.....aah.... Lover.....nn..... You jump me..... Grab this chair to take to the bathroom and....."
Type signed to then turn his head to then peer his eyes back to eye him narrowly to then flex his jaw.
"I am not your lover! Also, you don't have to talk about it! Just....... Give me your cum!"
Type shivered in the pleasure he was receiving to then turn his head back to place his forehead to the top of the chair to start to move his body with this action.
Mr. Tyme couldn't help but moan with this action to then place his hand to his cock to start to stroke has it started to throb. Mr. Tyme then started to thrust and harder into that wet cavity to then lift his head back to smile.
"God! You feel so good! Self lub....."
Type groaned.
"Will you just shut up! I don't need the......commentary! Just......I want your cum!"
Type then moved back to place a hand behind him to Mr. tymes neck to then really move his body with his, to look forward to have his mouth agap a bit to have it salivate has he got closer.
Mr. tyme rolled his eyes to then take his free arm to wrap it about to place his fingers to types very erect nipple, to start to play with it.
Type lifted his head up a bit to moan even harder.
"Ah fuck!"
Mr. Tyme then went to his neck to start to kiss.
"You want my cum?"
Type kept moving his ass with this action.
Mr. Tyme then pulled out, to then go to his ear.
"You know what you need to do."
Type rolled his eyes, to then turn to use the chair to jump on Mr. Tyme to wrap his arms and legs about to then re connect them to stay to move his body with his to breathe and hard.
"Tharn! Just give me your cum!"
Tharn curled his lips inward to then lift his head back to then start to thrust and hard to then fill types ass.
Type hung his head a bit to then cum in-between them.
After tharn placed him down, the two then went about to fix themselves, for tharn to then step towards type to wrap his arms about to go to his ear to nuzzle his lobe.
"That was really something."
Type took in a deep breathe to then move about there embrace.
"Mm..... Now we need to get to work."
Tharn moved his head back to then raise an eye brow.
"I'm starting to feel used in this relationship type "
Type signed and hard to get out of the embrace to then start to take the chair back to leave the bathroom to then place it to the head of the table has tharn came out, to stand to the side with his hand to his pocket too look over him.
"We need to talk about this."
Type took in a deep breathe has he stayed behind the chair with his hands to it to eye the action.
"What does it really matter?"
Tharn lightly laughed to then step closer to then go behind him to look down to his ass to place his hands to his waist to then slowly look up.
"No one likes to feel used type."
Type flexed his jaw to understand that.
"What is it you are wanting?"
Tharn moved his head closer to then place his mouth to his ear.
"A little affection."
Tharn then let type go to then start to go to the front of the doors.
Type turned his head to eye over him.
"You want affection?"
Tharn stopped to turn to eye him.
"Doesn't every one who is in a active relationship?"
Type rolled his eyes to then look forward at that word.
"Maybe you should think about getting a dog "
Tharn lightly laughed.
"Mm.... And I'll call him type."
Type Furrowed his brow to then turn his head to look at him in anger.
"Your a prick!"
Tharn nodded.
"I know that. This is something you need to work on type, or when we have sex, I may just not give you what you are wanting."
Types eyes narrowed has he watched tharn leave.
He then went about to sit in that chair to look forward to shake his head to then place his hands to his neck to rub.
Why did I get so turned on with what he earlier said? God I hate my mother fucking body! I think not taking those other meds is causing me to really want more of this.
Type signed to then remove his hands to then wrap his arms about to then place his forehead to them to groan.
Jumping to tense a bit he then moved his head back to then look over tharn a bit confused.
"After that very incredible round, I want you to be with me. Also I am too be having a board meeting, need your eyes."
Type signed to then get up to keep his eyes down to then go about to then stop to lift his head up to grit his teeth, he then slowly turned his head to look over tharn.
"Did you just slap my........"
Tharn laughed to then go about to then leave.
Type placed his hand to his ass to rub to roll his eyes.
This is for the greater good. You need to gain his trust and then take this handsome son of a bitch down!
Types eyes widened with what he just thought to then groan to then go about to follow after tharn to become distraught.

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