Chapter 47 (RR)

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Riley's POV

I feel so proud walking beside my boyfriend. Well...well...well...
I was only imagining this before, me walking hand to hand with Rye. I am trying to look like a sweet guy here.
My mind is filled with rainbows. This feeling is nice.

"I have no class already, I'll finish my tasks while waiting for you. Listen to your class, baby." These soft kisses are making me crazy. I want more.

"Uhm, rye! Give me three."

"You want what?" He asked looking confused.

"Three more kisses." I am giggling inside.

He kissed me. Not a peck, a real kiss inside our lecture hall. This is not the kind of kiss I am asking but who cares. So these are the perks of having a boyfriend. I can have unlimited kisses anytime anywhere.

"Enough? Or you want more?" My boyfriend asked again.
I am so excited to meet your cutie.

"It's enough. See you later." I said sweetly.

Maru stood beside me and joined me in watching my boyfriend walk away from our room.

"You know, you are a fake." Maru raised his brow. "What's with 'it's enough. See you later'?" He mimicked me. Maru exaggerated it.

"I don't talk like that."

"Bijj, everyone saw how you pretend to talk sweetly to your boyfriend. That's not how you usually talk." He laughed.

"Shut up! I am going to tear your mouth if you continue talking."

"See? That's the difference. That's the Riley that I know." Maru keeps on mocking me.

"I am just trying to be a cute boyfriend."

"You are winning, bijj. You were really cute earlier that I didn't realize it was you talking." Maru stopped teasing me when the professor came.

I'll be a good kid today. I will focus on the class.

"Bijj, you are going to the mansion later, right?" Maru poked me.

"Yes, why?"
You need me to be a messenger again to his brother?

"We have a gift for you. Let's wait for Abi after class. She already bought it."
He told me. I am nervous about this gift. I have trust issues with Maru when it comes to this.

"Mr. Cameron, you'll be discussing the South American trade and the economic growth rate for the past twenty years. You can choose a partner that will report with you."
Our professor spoke.

"Shit! Not me, ri. Not me!" Maru keeps whispering. He thinks I'll be a freeloader again.

"I choose..." I looked around. These crazy folks avoided my gaze.
"Maru, sir."

"Damn it, bijj." He scowled.

"Okay, I'll be expecting you two to present on Tuesday."
The professor said before ending our class.

"I just want to rest this weekend. You are cruel." He whined.

"I love you and I will always choose my beautiful best friend. How about we go twinning on Tuesday? Let's go shopping tomorrow."

"See? You are more concerned about our outfits rather than the topic."
He stomped his feet.

"We need to be presentable. At least we look good even if our discussion sucks."

Abi entered our room. I already messaged Rye that our class has ended.
Abi is holding a box wrapped in pink.

"What's this?"

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