What Happens in Space

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A/N: Mature readers only. Female self insert inspired by In Space With Markiplier

What Happens in Space

"Good morning, Captain."

You awoke to the usual robot voice in your cryopod, just like you did every morning aboard the Invincible II. You reached up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, and smiled as the robot voice added, "Coffee en route." You were going to need that.

You pressed the release button and the door to your pod opened with a wooshing sound and a puff of steam. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, but you were used to it by now. You had been on the Invincible II for about a month, floating around out in space. It had taken months of training back on Earth and a few weeks of being off of your home planet for you to fully get used to the idea of being on a spaceship, but now it was home to you. Maybe you didn't have your own decor or your cozy bed like you did on Earth, but you did at least have a wonderful crew for roommates.

You stepped out and were greeted by the head engineer, Mark. He had built the ship you were currently on, and because he was an expert at all things Invincible II, he was your right-hand man. You trusted him fully, and he was the only other person on the ship that had the same access to all of its programs as you.

"'Morning, captain! Coffee?" He handed you a fresh, steaming mug. Black, just the way you liked it. You had become accustomed to drinking it plain, just like you had gotten used to sleeping standing up in a pod.

"Of course. Thanks, Mark!"

You sipped your liquid caffeine as you made your way through the ship, checking in with crewmates who were already hard at work, making sure all systems were running smoothly. Burt had the reactor in good condition, Celci had cryo locked down, and Gunther had everything under control in asteroid defense. It was looking to be another smooth day in space, cruising around, searching for new planets to create life on. Knowing that things were in good hands and everything was going well allowed your mind to wander to other, less important things, like the giant crush you had on your head engineer.

You knew it was wrong, but you just couldn't help yourself. Mark was adorable! He always greeted you in the morning with your coffee, like a gentleman. He kept things very professional, only referring to you as Captain, even though you wouldn't mind if he just called you by your name. The fact that he had essentially created and helped build the ship was super impressive, and you admired how smart he was. And then, sometimes you noticed how nicely his space suit fit in certain places, or he gave a look that made you think of inappropriate things...and the next thing you knew, your dreams in your cryopod shifted to dreams of him. So now here you were, trying to be the captain of a huge ship and crew in outer space, managing everything and making sure everyone was safe, while also being distracted by things as silly as an attraction to a coworker.

"Looks like it's going to be another low key day, huh Captain?" Mark's deep voice jolted you out of your head and back to reality. "Everything's taken care of and running smoothly, so we've just gotta keep cruising until navigation finds something."

"Y-yeah, looks like it," you nodded, attempting to take a sip from your mug and realizing it was already empty.

"Is everything alright, Captain?" Mark wondered, his brows furrowing with concern.

"Yep. I'm just out of coffee is all," you smiled. "Better go get some more so I can stay alert."

"Yeah, I could use a refill too. I'll come with you," Mark decided.

As you headed back to the main control room, you wondered if today would finally be the day that you said something to him. Nothing particularly important or dangerous was going on. There was nothing to do other than check in with crewmates and monitor things. It was a perfect opportunity for you to pull Mark aside and be honest about your feelings for him. But that idea also terrified you. What if it made things weird between the two of you? Or what if you got into a relationship and broke up, and that made things weird? Mark was already awkward with Celci, who happened to be his ex. You'd hate for the Captain and Engineer dynamic that you had to be ruined.

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