Chapter Sixty-Seven, Where's the Baby

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Tom's Perspective

A few hours later

Seeming as Tord hadn't awakened on his own yet, I arose from my desk to go check on him myself. I left my assistant to do her normal load of work and walked through the army base halls. Soldiers calmly saluted me with a form of respect that had been gained since winning the literal world war. My heels clicked as I walked towards Tord's bedroom calmly, expecting that he'd be splayed out on his bed like a silly goose as usual. He's so cute like that. As I neared the bedroom door though, my thoughts changed. Soldiers seemed to be glancing at it and even stopping and staring worriedly. I turned to one of the stopped soldiers and folded my hands. "What's going on here soldier?" I asked sternly and he placed his hands behind his back. "Honestly and truly, I have no idea sir. I just heard loud, excruciating noises in there. I didn't know what to do." He explained and I shook my head. I would have lectured the man, but I had more pressing things at hand.

I unlocked the door with my fingerprint and flipped on the switch, fearing for the safety of my beloved boyfriend. My eyes started at the bed, which had messy bedsheets. I followed the trail of blanket to where a considerable amount of blood was slathered on the ground. My gaze followed the crimson splatter into the closet, where I guessed Tord was hiding. I slowly approached the closet and stepped in something gross and squishy, cringing at the texture under my shoes. I looked down and stared at the unidentified fleshy lump coated in blood under my foot. I couldn't tell what it was at all. I removed my heel from the fleshy substance and slowly opened up the closet as to not startle the most likely panicked Norwegian in the closet. I looked around for a bit, noticing a shivering body curled up. "Hey sweetheart... Why don't you come out and let me help you?" I spoke softly as to not scare him and waited for him to look at me. "N-no- go away..." He whimpered and tried to hide himself under some clothing.

I crouched down and peeled away the clothes he was hiding behind, getting a good look at the shaking man. He had blood smeared across most of his body, especially near his stomach. I couldn't get a sense of where the blood was coming from, but I knew he was in poor condition. He tried to cover himself and looked away from me. "Honey it's okay, it's alright.." I tried to coax him into letting me look at him, but he wouldn't budge. After a while of gently pulling on his wrists, he let me look at his bloody body in the light. I didn't have any words. "... Are you.. Are you okay?" I asked the man who was holding back sobs. He shook violently and covered his face, looking away from me. I wrapped my arms around him and slowly rocked, comforting the poor boy. "Hey, it's okay.. I'm sure whatever happened was for a big reason. We'll figure it out together okay?" I said calmly and rubbed his back as he sobbed.

"I-I- wh- I- I wanted- I did-." He choked out and clung to my clothing desperately, dirtying it with his blood. I shushed him and continued to rock him. "It's okay my sweet imp.. It'll be okay." I whispered and stroked the back of his head. "We've got to get you some help though okay? If you keep bleeding out like that you'll get infected and die." I told him and he shakily nodded, allowing me to pick him up. Working out has really paid off. I only carried him to the bed, covering him up slightly to keep him warm. I then got one of the soldier's attention and sent them off to get the medics. I turned back to Tord who was still crying and held his hands. "Hey, it's okay sweetheart... we'll make it through this together. I'm here for you." I assured him and he firmly gripped my hands for support. He simply nodded in response and hugged me tightly, which I didn't mind at all. I slowly rocked him and let him cry on my shoulder for as long as it took for the medics to get here. Then I had to help them coax Tord into letting them check his wounds, which wasn't easy. After a bit of back-and-forth, Tord got cleaned up and somewhat dragged for further help in the medical center. I comforted him so that he wouldn't resist anymore than he already was, but he sure tried to be a problem.

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