chap. 8

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“Ah… I wanted to get into my workroom. I don’t know where my father put the key.”



As Valletta continued to use alchemy for useless things, Count Delight completely moved her workroom to the basement and locked it with a key.

Without his order or permission, she could never use it.She had to stay locked up inside the workroom to hone her skills, but she is not allowed to bring anything out.

Even her underwear is checked by the maids.

“For whom are you doing it this time? For a bird that fell while flying in the sky? If not… Did you find an ant with a broken leg this time?”

Valletta shut her mouth at Reinhardt’s sarcastic voice.

She couldn’t give affection to people, so she decided to give her affection to animals. Those who can leave her arms at any time and come back anytime. She couldn’t call people’s names, but she doesn’t have to give animals names.

She couldn’t rely on anyone and she felt lonely living alone, she needed a little bit of warmth. Even if it is the warmth of a furry beast.


Rather than answering Reinhardt’s questions, Valletta silently turned away.

Since it wasn’t anywhere else, the only place left is probably her father’s office. She needed the key to her workroom.

Reinhardt strode after her as she tried to move toward the office. Stretching his arms outward, he lightly wrapped his arms around her waist.

“… I don’t know why your affection is always directed towards them. I can’t understand it.”

“You don’t have to understand.”

Reinhardt’s eyebrows raised at Valletta’s affirmation. He firmly shut his mouth.

“……There must be a person over there.”

Valletta stopped walking at Reinhardt’s words.

Reinhardt slowly released the hand that was wrapped around her waist.

As she turned around, he looked at her with a gaze that seemed to be looking at something strange.

Reinhardt turned lightly. He headed straight to her workroom.

‘What is he doing when he doesn’t even have the key?’

But then she realized that he didn’t need a key. With a single flick of his finger, he opened the lock.

Valletta quickly entered her workroom.

She pressed the herbs into the vial and wrote the formula on paper, without paying any attention to Reinhardt closing the door and leaning against it.


He didn’t take his eyes off Valletta for even a moment.

An ancient magic circle floated in front of his eyes, and the room was filled with the color purple.

The moment when a simple herb became a potion was always amazing.

A strange light fluttered in Reinhard’s red eyes. He rubbed his neck with an unexplained hunger and stared at her.

Valletta, who packed the potion inside her arms, locked the workroom again and headed to the backyard.

“So you refuse my help, and a cat is the only one that makes you let me help.”

Failed To Abandon The Villain Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ