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Valletta and the child clinging to her legs, including Jin and Nereid, disappeared all together.

Reinhardt blocked Milrode who was rushing to her.

Reinhardt giggled in a low tone as Valletta completely disappeared.

Once he lifted his finger, Milrode’s body floated into the air.

“What the hell is thi… Ack!”

“Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

Milrode, who was floating in the air, drifted away.

Milrode’s body moved frantically in all directions as Reinhardt flicked his fingers with a smile.

Milrode’s face, which had been screaming ‘What is happening?!’, grew increasingly blue.

“Well, I can’t kill you, but if I let you live you will wag your tail towards my Master. What should I do? Hm?”

Reinhardt tilted his face at an angle and asked the knights who were stamping their feet helplessly.

Of course, there were also spirit summoners and priests among the knights.

Spirit users and Priests were the opposite of Magicians. They had the ability to destroy magic.

However, they were only effective if the Magician and the Priest’s level were similar to an extent, or the level of the party trying to destroy was stronger.

“How dare you do this while knowing who he is! Even if you have awakened as the Magic Tower’s master, you are still under the law!”

“Who is he? It’s only the Crown Prince.”

Reinhardt tilted his head and answered in an innocent sounding voice, as if he knew nothing.

He stopped moving his hand and clenched his fist.

Then Milrode, who had been flying in all directions in the air, stopped.

They were worried that he may have fainted due to his pale complexion and droopiness. He had stopped making weak noises anymore.

When the movement stopped, the spirit users and the priests urgently poured their powers to destroy Reinhardt’s levitation magic and summoned spirits.

Five priests, two low-level spirit users, and one intermediate spirit user. The precious manpower gathered and poured all their strength on Reinhardt, but, ironically, Milrode didn’t even come down a millimeter.

“How can you be stupid and pathetic? Isn’t there any limit to your ignorance of your own place?”

Failed To Abandon The Villain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz