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As Roman familiarly opened the large clock, a long aisle could be seen.

‘This must’ve cost a lot of money,’

To create such a mechanism, they probably needed a lot of skilled technicians. Skilled technicians with a heavy mouth.

(T/N: Heavy mouth: Those who can keep a secret.)

“Let’s go.”


“Why? Are you tired?”

Valletta, who was about to enter the aisle, looked down and asked.

It was not a friendly tone. She was willing to leave the child here for a while if necessary.

“If you’re tired, stay here for a bit…”

“N-no! I’m okay! Don’t, don’t leave me behind…”

At the desperate words of the child, Valletta knotted her brows.

‘Does he have separation anxiety?’

She couldn’t help it, but she was not in a good mood. She was not amiable enough to leisurely go along with the child’s whining.

Valletta looked at Therion’s tense expression and nodded her head.

Once Valletta gave her permission, Therion ran and clung to her legs. Roman, who was watching the situation, leaned his body a little in front of the child.

“If your feet hurt, I can carry you.”

“… Ah.”

Valletta, who exclaimed a little when she realized why the child stopped, showed a dismayed expression.

With her eyes on him, Therion blushed in embarrassment, grabbed the hem of her robe and looked down.

“This way.”

The aisle that they entered as they followed Roman, was very long and dark.

Rarely, there were lamps in the middle of the aisle illuminating the darkness, and at the end of the aisle was a large door.

As if the shabby pub was just for show, the place that they were guided to was antique, neat and well maintained.

At the moment the door opened and they stepped inside, Valletta had to throw away her previous thoughts.

It was not a ‘room’.

Rather than a room, it was more of a new space or an underground mansion that was as big as an aristocrat’s mansion.

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