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For the succession of Gillian’s position? For the sake of his son…

‘Of course not.’

The Emperor does not appear to be such a fatherly man.

“Lady Valletta?”

“Ah, I’m sorry.”

Valletta, who apologized inattentively at the sound of her name being called, slowly raised her eyes that had been lowered.

She lightly patted her neck and made eye contact with Milrode.

“Your Highness. I’m sorry, but that’s also none of my concern. I refuse. Find someone else.”

“If you don’t help, many people will die.”

Milrode clenched his fists, and with a heavy subdued voice, answered.

Valletta looked at him for a moment, then she tilted her head. After taking a light breath, Valletta opened her mouth.

“Is that a reason for me to help you, Your Highness?”

“Innocent people will die.”

“It is the Crown Prince’s job to solve it, not mine.”

Milrode was at a loss for words for a moment at her decisive words. He was not the kind  to continue a conversation when they were this divided, but right now he felt like he was standing in front of someone he was meeting for the first time.

“That! That’s true, but…”

Milrode’s head bowed down slowly.

“So is Lady Valletta saying that you can save the people, but refuse to do so?”


It was absurd to say that we have to save someone just because we have the ability to do so. Some people go down that path, and some people do not want to.

Unfortunately, Valletta preferred to be normal more than being honorable.

“If you need an alchemist to cure Lost, find someone else. There is also Gillian in the Imperial Palace.”

“Gillian has worked for a long time in the Imperial Palace. Now that he’s old, he has lost a lot of his strength.”

“Then you can ask him for a solution. Since he would know it.”

Valletta slowly threw back her head and spoke softly.

Standing behind the Crown Prince, Gillian’s one eye settled on Valletta. The one-eyed man looked at her with a vague expression, then slowly blinked his eye and looked away.

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