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“Give it a name and raise it. I’m sure it’ll pay you back by growing up well.”

“I won’t give it a name. And do you think I can raise this well?”

“I think you can do it if you try.”

In response to his answer, Valletta leaned back on the chair without answering.

Everyday was comfortable, but she couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she was sitting on a thorny cushion.

She seemed to be walking towards the sea by herself.

The water is up to her chest at the moment, and if she goes in a little more, the water will reach beneath her neck, making it somewhat difficult to breathe.

“Come to think of it, this snow tiger needs affection to grow big enough. I don’t know how the cub parted with its mother, but if Valletta would give it affection, it would grow up.”

Valletta did not dare to say yes. No matter how hard she thought about it, she wasn’t confident.

“Now that I think about it, in the end, you didn’t tell me anything.”

“Just as you thought, the Emperor and the Lost were related, I was just wondering if it had something to do with alchemists or magicians.”

“A magician or an alchemist?”

“Why does Your Grace…”


Carlon Delphine stopped talking.

Valletta breathed in through her opened mouth. She did not expect to hear the same request that Reinhardt would always ask for again.

“The reason why you don’t want to give that cub a name or call us by our name, is it because you’re afraid that we’ll die?”


“Will you call me by my name if I promise that I won’t die?”

At the sound of the voice mixed with laughter, Valletta blankly stiffened and blinked her eyes.

The reason why she doesn’t call people by their name was because her habit from the mansion still remained.

Since she knew that Reinhardt would kill all the servants in that mansion. It was so she wouldn’t get attached to those who would die.

Everyone really died by his hands, so she thought it was a good thing she didn’t get attached to them.

It had embedded into her like a habit, and as she thought about it, it had continued up to this day.

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