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“Well, now you’ve completed it to some extent. It’s time for that boy to learn that the world is not so sweet.”

“As you command, Your Majesty.”

“And the investigation of the case….I’ll leave it to Milord.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“I think it’s time for you to leave and get some rest.”

Gillian slowly bowed at the Emperor’s order. He turned around and stepped out of the emperor’s office.

Feeling the absence of people around him, the emperor spontaneously rose from his seat. He took out four thick books from behind his desk, one in the right corner of the top column of the bookshelf, the next one under the left side of the bottom column of the bookshelf, next to those five books, and the second one on the top left side. To be precise, he left only half of them out on the shelf.

At the same time, there was a click and lock sound inside the study, and a door appeared in the center of the bookcase. He slowly opened it and stepped into the dark interior. He closed the door and locked it skillfully, and outside, it was just another ordinary bookshelf.

The emperor stepped forward and lit the candle with a flickering sound, lighting the darkness of the passage. After walking down the not-so-long path, a large room appeared inside.

A bed was placed in the center of the large room, and bookshelves were lined tightly together. A desk in one corner was neatly organized with pen and ink. On the bed in the center of the room, there was an object curled up on its knees. Her winding light blue hair stretched long as if left unattended for a long time and was scattered on the bed.

After a quick look around the room, the emperor took out his desk chair and pulled it towards the bed.

“Elise, why don’t you show your face?”


He looked at her and said, “It seems that you want me to sanction you again. Did I not punish you enough?”

Elise flinched and her shoulders trembled.

The emperor waited a moment. Elise slowly lifted her head. He could hear the creak of bones as she had been crouching for a long time, but she eventually raised her head fully and raised her chin.

The woman’s mouth was gagged tightly with a cloth. It seemed like it was to prevent her from biting her tongue so she couldn’t kill herself. The scars on her neck were thick, as if she had been scratching it repeatedly, and one of her eyes was empty, as if one of the eyeballs had been dug out. The one remaining eye showed her original eye color was deep blue.

The emperor reached out and untied the cloth binding the woman’s mouth with one hand.

“…..kill me.”

“Milord will be sad to know that his only mother would say such words.”

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