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What kind of bird is that talkative?

‘Reinhardt doesn’t seem to hear the spirit’s voice.’

Last time and this time as well, there was no response. It might be better this way.

She doesn’t know if spirits can die, but it is better this way as the hawk might get destroyed for being so noisy.

-I’ve been summoned and sent back dozens of times even though you’re not a contractor, and this time you’re summoning a different spirit! You have no conscience! This is the first time in my life that I’ve seen someone treat a spirit like this! How dare you summon me like this and turn your eyes away from me!

‘Dozen times…’

There was no exageration. In other words, Jin must have caught her trying to summon a different spirit.

Valletta understood what he wanted without any difficulty.

“… Uhm, sorry.”

She apologized politely.

She honestly felt that she was losing her soul as she heard all this nagging that was bombarding her dazed mind.

-Hmph, you probably called me this time to properly fulfill the contract.

Jin glanced at Reinhardt and moved away from him.

Reinhardt smiled as he looked at Jin stepped back.

“Clean the air here. I want you to get all the impure things out,” Valletta commanded.

-Good. The payment?

“I’ll give you my blood…”

“You can’t. Master.”

Reinhardt stopped Valletta’s mouth with his words and a smile.

“If you’re going to give blood to that little chick, give it to me instead. I will lick and eat it without leaving anything behind.”

“… What are you going to do with my blood?”

“I thought it would be delicious.”

Valletta’s face turned ugly.

Reinhardt smiled softly. She looked at Jin with troubled eyes. At some point, Jin had already moved far away.

‘… The spirit is afraid of Reinhardt.’

It is actually understandable that he was terrified. Since he was treated like that the first time they met.

Failed To Abandon The Villain Where stories live. Discover now