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“Royal Father! What do you mean by that poster?! Valletta is… Lady Delight is innocent!”

Milrode raised his voice.

The Emperor sighed as he looked at his son, who came into his office arguing that such treatment was absurd.

Since early times, he always did his best and worked hard in whatever he did to become a son that lacked nothing.

He was able to immediately push out the other princes to become the Crown Prince with his abilities.

The problem was that he was too stiff and had a ridiculously upright mind set.

He was a child who only walked forward with justice and righteousness with no flexibility or whatsoever.

“You can’t just ignore the event that occurred with the Magic Tower’s Master. Above all else, do you have any idea how many high-ranked priests have suffered?”

“However, what does that have to do with Valletta?! She was just with that ruthless man…!”


The Emperor roughly put down the pen he was holding.

Milrode flinched and shut his mouth.

“Milrode, sometimes when you want something, you have to know how to use your power. If you think you can beat the Magic Tower’s Master by abiding by the law and with your sense of justice, you’re gravely mistaken.”


“I know that you sincerely liked Lady Delight. I’m sure it’s great if the person who will stay by your side for the rest of your life, and the woman whom you love will be your Empress.”

Milrode took a deep breath at the Emperor’s placating words.

He used to imagine that.

However, the Valletta Delight that he reunited with was colder than what he expected and showed not even a little sign of welcoming him.

It caused bigger damage than expected to Milrode.

He thought he was taking good care of her. She has never called him by his name, but there were times when he felt he got a little bit closer to her.

Yet when they met again, she just had a troubled expression on her face. It was an expression that was at a loss and not knowing what to do.

“You’re someone who will become an Emperor and there is nothing you can’t have. Fortunately, even after Count Delight’s death, your engagement is still valid. There is nothing that we cannot force on.”

“I… I want to make Valletta happy, I don’t want to make her mine forcibly.”

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