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“Excuse me.”

Just at the right time, Roman came in, put down the tea and juice then left. Instead of answering, Valletta raised her head and looked into Carlon Delphine’s eyes.

“Will something change depending on my answer?”


“That hateful guy thinks that I’m the only one who can understand him.”

Valletta bowed down her head, looked at the smoking tea and opened her mouth again.

“And he’s waiting for me to call his name.”

“… Yes?”

There was a small ripple on the barely changing expression of Carlon Delphine. Incomprehension could be seen in his raised eyebrow.

Valletta shrugged.

“He should at least know that I planned to come here. He’s probably thinking of how to dramatically appear in front of me.”

“… You talk as if you know that you will be dragged back by him.”

Valletta did not immediately say anything to Carlon Delphine’s sharp comment.

The reason why Reinhardt had allowed her to be free was because he had decided that he wouldn’t catch her for a while. Of course, she would’ve hit Reinhardt on the back of his head this time, but her struggle ended there.

The moment he discovered that she had run away, if he wanted to, he could have just followed her right away.

But he didn’t. And so far, he hasn’t been looking for her, which meant he had decided to watch for a while.

‘Is it out of pity?’

Or is it for his own amusement again?

“Or maybe I’ll go back to him with my own feet,” Valletta finally responded.

“How come?”

“That man is the last shield that I have. And he probably knows it too.”

“If he’s your last shield, then who is he shielding you from?”

Valletta just quietly raised her head.

Carlon Delphine stared intently into her dead eyes. He was often told that he was not very emotional, yet the girl in front of him was like a desert that was devastated by a drought.

“The Imperial Palace. Or maybe a new cage.”

Just like the non-existent emotion that could be felt from her eyes, an indifferent voice came out.

Failed To Abandon The Villain Where stories live. Discover now