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“Welcome, Miss Valletta. You can come in.”

“All right.”

As she was about to enter, two knights blocked in front of Ceylon with their swords in their scabbards.

Ceylon’s lips flinched under his robe. Before he could move his hand, Valletta stepped back and blocked in front of Ceylon.

“What are you doing?”

“Only Miss Valletta could come inside.”

“He’s my escort. Let him pass.”

He was the most reliable escort. There was no way Reinhardt would attach someone to her without any reason.

At least, he was nothing but a magician who can fight against these uncouth knights.

“He can’t.”

“Then I just won’t come in.”

“Miss Valletta, please don’t do this.”

Honestly, she has no regrets.

She doesn’t want to face the Crown Prince right now and argue needlessly.

“Just let them in.”

Valletta’s eyes narrowed at the familiar voice that came from behind.

As she slowly turned around, a man she didn’t want to see was standing there.


“It’s an honor to be remembered by you. Please come in. That person can come in as well.”

Valletta’s forehead narrowed.

She was honestly startled that the man she never expected appeared. He went in first, followed by Valletta and Ceylon.

“I’m back, Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Good work. Ah… Lady Valletta, have you been well?”

“Yes, but you’re visiting early in the morning without prior notice. I’m sensitive in the morning, so honestly, I don’t like it. I thought you were a polite person.”

The thought of having to talk to him in the morning with a throbbing headache didn’t make her feel so good.

When Valletta tried to sit down, Ceylon pulled the chair out.

At the table surrounded by three people, Carlon Delphine didn’t look good.

“Good morning, Valletta.”

Failed To Abandon The Villain Where stories live. Discover now