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“Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes. I’m okay…”

The child, who grabbed Jin’s feathers tightly with his trembling hands, answered.

After confirming that the child was unharmed, she turned her head away with indifferent eyes.

Valletta, who was riding on Jin’s back, bent her head.

With Jin and Nereid working together, it wasn’t difficult to break the glass that surrounded them.

According to the two spirits, Valletta seems to have played a role in easing the relationship between the Magicians power and the spirits, which were usually opposed. That was why she was able to summon spirits even from within the Magic Tower.

‘Is it because I’m an alchemist?’

Either way, it’s fortunate that she could at least compare with one of Reinhardt’s fingers.

If he really wanted to catch her, she wouldn’t be able to escape.

“That, i-is your wrist okay, Master?”

Valletta’s expression became strange at the unexpected title.

“I am not your master. Call me Valletta.”

Valletta answered to the child what she had told Reinhardt dozens of times, and looked down at her wrist.

The bracelet he gave her was cut with a wind knife made by Jin.

The wind had pierced her a little deep, and blood was still gushing out. It was roughly tied with a cloth, but the blood didn’t stop easily.

“Where are we going?”

“Not sure.”

Valletta answered with a plain expression.

She brought some of the most common ornaments in the room.

It wasn’t difficult to pack a few spoons that were made of gold, and some jewelry and gold that was easily disposable.

‘But as long as I have the ability to do alchemy, I will always be pursued.’

It probably won’t be comfortable anywhere.

Jin dropped Valletta and the boy down at a sparsely populated area near the village.

Valletta silently looked at the child who was grabbing the leg of her trouser, and sighed.

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