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“This doesn’t make any sense!”

“Even though he’s the Magic Tower’s Master, he’s creating a dispute with the Sokor this way!”

“It’s incredibly immature. Are you just going to let this kind of Magic Tower’s Master who only believes in his position and act arrogantly? Bartio-nim!”


A man in a robe smashed the table violently.

The conversation between the magicians sitting around the round table was on the edge. The middle-aged man in a brown robe sitting at the head of the table, touched his chin and showed a troubled expression.

“However, he’s the master that the tower has chosen. Is there anything we can do?”

“I can’t believe that he’s the master that the tower has acknowledged.”

“That’s right! A novice who’s still wet behind the ears… He even kneeled down before a Sokor and called her Master! Does this make any sense?!”

Bartio Baloxis silently contemplates by himself. The small wrinkle in the end of his eyes deepened and then gently straightened out.

He slowly closed his eyes and opened them as he strongly pressed his magic staff on the floor.

The dark brown magic staff showed signs of age. At the end of the two braided trees, there’s a large round mana stone.

“The Magic Tower’s method is too old-fashioned. Bartio-nim would know what is best for us better than a Tower Master who is not reasonable.”

“So what does everyone want to do?”

“Please… Climb directly to the position of Magic Tower’s Master. If Bartio-nim ascend, the magicians in the Magic Tower will support you.”

Bartio Baloxis stroked his beard without a word. As if he’s in a very difficult situation, his eyebrows rose as he rubbed the rim of his eyes with his callused finger. Then, without saying a word, he slowly stood up and raised his head.

“Welcome, Lord.”

He turned towards the entrance of the conference on the 36th floor and deeply bowed. Even after Bartio finished speaking, the startled magicians remained and still for a long time, got up from their seats.


They hurriedly bent their backs and greeted the Magic Tower’s Master.

Reinhardt, accompanied by Quilt and Caspelius, slowly removed his robe and gestured with his chin.

“Why? Let’s keep the conversation going.”

“T-tower Master, how did you…”

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