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She wasn’t sure if it was filled with coldness or sympathy.

Well, you can’t avoid calling people by their name if you’re living a normal life, so she should practice a little more from now on.

Thanks to Duke Leon and Carlon Delphine, she had gotten used to calling someone by their name to some extent.

“I understand, Quilt. How is the atmosphere in the Magic Tower?”

“It’s in chaos.”

When Valletta looked taken aback, Quilt’s lips moved slightly.

“Are the only people supporting Reinhardt still you, your partner, and the watchdog?”

“Yes, we still are.”

“The influence of that person called Bartio is quite large.”

Valletta murmured lowly. That being said, there was a specific room for the incident where Reinhardt would disappear.

It would be better if Bartio Balloxis and Reinhardt would join hands.

“How did you know about Bartio-nim?”

“I heard about him when I was in the library the first day I got there. They said they don’t approve of Reinhardt.”

Valletta only answered the truth as much as possible.

Fortunately, she didn’t add any words as she remembered that incident.

Quilt just quietly nodded.

“Isn’t that guy going somewhere recently? Going out often.”

“… Yes.”

“I know the conversation is fun, but we have arrived.”

Valletta then looked away.

Carlon Delphine knocked on the carriage door twice and the door opened.

As Carlon Delphine was about to disembark and Valletta was about to follow him, Carlon Delphine grabbed her tightly.

“Wa… Your Grace!”


“Carlon! Wait…!”

The luxurious carriage quietly moved away.

Looking around, it was time for the dawn to appear.

Valletta was surprised by the position that she was being held.


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