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“… Royal father, this is all.”

“All right.”

As if tired, the Emperor leaned against the chair in his office and pressed his finger’s against the middle of his forehead.

At the sight of him feeling tired, the Crown Prince looked at him anxiously.

“It seems that the new Magic Tower’s Master is causing incidents all over the country. I don’t know if it was his power overflowing or that he was just venting his anger.”

“Power overflow… That can’t be it. I think he can handle his power very well. It’s obviously just venting.”


“He didn’t look guilty when I saw him kill. These reports also bear resemblance to that of Count Delight’s case.”

Milrode clenched his fist, and with an angry face, he raised his voice.

The Emperor acted as if he was looking over the reports again, and let out a deep sigh.

Gillian, who was standing next to him, poured tea into his empty cup.

“Is there no answer from the Magic Tower?”

“I asked for an apology and compensation several times, but there was still no reply.”

“How can someone be this selfish! No matter how strong a person is born with, the moment he took power, he wanted to use it like this!”

Flames dripped from Milrode’s eyes.

He played around with him in front of his eyes, he ruined the priests and spirit user’s lives and took Valletta away.

But this time, he also killed common people.

“That’s not all.”

“What do you mean?”

“The official statement has yet to be announced as it will cause commotion in various ways, but the strange thing that happened before, happened again.”

“… What? Something strange?”

“When I was still a prince, there was an outbreak of a strange disease called ‘Lost’.”

“That… Wasn’t that a curse? I heard that Royal father cleared everything up when you ascended.”

Milrode’s eyes widened.

So far, stories about Lost were the ones he heard about the most from his history class.

There were also rumors that it was his Royal father, whom he was proud of, who dispelled it.

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