Omar/Green poncho X Female! Reader

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Requested by:Little_Miss_Royal

You and Omar will be 14 in this. The show, Euphoria will be mentioned, don't worry there won't be any spoilers since I don't watch the show, just minor mentionings of things within the show/Unimportant stuff.

You hopped on Omars front porch and knocked on the front door of Omar, your older sister Michelle dropped you off. You've been dating Omar for a little bit and you're sure your sister already knows you're dating her old friend. You've been spending more time with him and she walked in on you and Omar holding hands but pretended she didn't notice.

Michelle drove off when she saw Omar open the door and he hugged you. You slipped your shoes off and walked into Omars room with him. Omar shut the door and you sat down emptying your bag that was filled with self care items. A few days ago you and Omar tried out a show Michelle got into, it was called 'Euphoria' and you guys just finished the show. Two days ago you were at the store with Michelle and your mom and saw a few of the items Cassie used for her 4am morning routine. You've been wanting to try it so badly recently so you put the items you saw in the shopping cart and you had your 4am items. For the stuff you didn't have, Omar's sister had them and she forgot about them so Omar 'borrowed' them once you told him your idea to try doing Cassie's 4am morning routine.

The items were placed on Omars bedroom floor, "Does it matter what order we do this in?"Omar asked "Nope! I'll start with the curling ribbon"You smiled, grabbing it. (Sorry if you have short hair, already have curly hair or whatever reason why you can't or won't use the curling ribbon just pretend you skipped that one and ignore the next part). You twirled your (H/C) locks around the ribbon and when you were done you tied a scrunchie on the end to keep it together.

Omar grabbed the eye patches since he skipped the curling ribbon, "Ugh...It's cold..."Omar said after he accidentally touched one with his finger. He then grabbed the spatula the Cucumber De-tox Hydra-gel Eye Patches came with to get the eye patches out and he started to look up and put them on. "How does she do this..."Omar mumbled, blinking feeling how cold they were under his eyes, "I dunno maybe they're like those things you gotta get used to"You shrugged and got some yourself and placed them under your eyes. Guess you saw what Omar was talking about.

"These are cold..."You mumbled, "Told ya...Let's just move onto the tools she uses for massaging her face"Omar said then got the shaped face sculptor and started rubbing it on his face, he let the tiny disco balls on it roll on his face and around his jaw you got the rose quartz massaging tool and rolled it on your face and down the bridge of your nose. While you and Omar were using all the massaging tools you guys just talked, you two were using one hand to hold the massage tools for your faces and the other one you guys were using to hold each other's hands. It was nice to just talk to each other and properly relax with each other. When you guys were done, it was time for that cold roller tool Cassie used. Omar went to go get it from his fridge and when he came back you two took turns letting the icy roller roll down your face and around your chest and collar bone.

Time skip

It didn't take long for you guys to be done with the routine, you thought it would've been better if you guys actually woke up at 4am and did this but you guys would've been caught and gotten scolded by your parents. After some silence Omar glanced at your face and started laughing, you had on the Cryo Recovery Mask Cassie used even if it looked scary. "What are you laughing at?"You asked "I'm sorry! I just can't take you seriously with that mask!"Omar laughed. "You're wearing the same mask!"You pointed out "I know! But it just looks so funny to me!"Omar said, "Okay, I think it's time to take these off..."You mumbled and started taking your mask off and so did Omar.

When the mask was off, Omar admired the final results the routine did for his skin. "We should do this more often"Omar said then began endlessly kissing your soft face.

This is the website I used to figure out the names of the products Cassie uses:,Jason%2Desque%20gel%20face%20mask.

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