•Chapter 15•

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Luke rescheduled the tour for the afternoon. They all got ready without a problem. They went downstairs to meet their tour guide. His name was Dallas Curtis. He shook their hands but kept shaking Kalel's hand. She nervously laughed and tried to get away from his grasp. Luke stared at Dallas' hand and was going to confront him until he felt Calum's hand on his arm and held him back from attempting murder. Luke looked at Cal and he shook his head. Kalel pulled out of his grasp and stood next to Luke.

"Well. Shall we move on? Let's get this tour going."

They all nodded as Dallas showed them the golf cart that will take them around the wildlife park.

Kalel's at down first, then Luke and then Calum. Luke was in the middle of Calum and Kalel. She took out her camera to Vlog.

She turned it on and pointed it on her. "Sorry that I haven't Vlogged but we are having so much fun in London. Who? My very good friends, Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings!"

Right on cue, the boys smiled and waved. "Hello!" Luke yelled. "What's up?" Calum asked the camera.

Kalel laughed at Calum. Luke didn't care anymore and just smiled.

"We are on a wildlife tour and this zoo is different because they don't have the animals in rusty, old cages like the ones in the states." Kalel explained. "So please enjoy the video." She put the camera facing outside and the animals.

Kalel looked up to the rear view mirror and saw Dallas look at her and wink. She looked away and snuggled up to Luke's side and he put his arm around her as to protect her. Kalel just sat their silent.

The cart stopped next to 2 pretty giraffes. They got to feed and pet them. When Kalel walked to Dallas for another piece of leaf for the giraffe, his hand brushed against her hand. She stood there stiff until her let go.

Calum noticed and took her away while looking back at him. Dallas smirked. "Dude, don't tell Luke, ok? He will murder him."

She nodded.

The tour was finally over and Luke saw every little scene that Dallas and Kalel had. He was furious but hid it when he was around her and Cal. Luke soon went to go see Dallas after Cal and Kalel went upstairs to the hotel room. Luke saw him when he was cleaning the cart.

Luke walked over.

"Can I help you?"

"No. Can I help you?"

Dallas stopped what he was doing and looked at Luke. "Well. You asked me so I don't know if I need your help."

"Can you do me a favor? Don't ever look at my girlfriend! Don't touch her, stand next to her, talk to her or even breath the same air. I swear I will kill you and no one will ever care about you!"

Dallas just stood there taking it all in.

Luke patted his back and whispered. "This may have worked on all the other girls but not mine. She's different and would never get with a douche bag like you. Have a nice day!"

Luke turned around and left him with a confused face and a little shaken. Luke felt the weight of his shoulder come down.

He felt powerful, he felt confident and he felt like he could eat a whole pizza all by himself.

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