Trying To Get The Feeling Again

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One week later, Rachael is being questioned by the police.

DETECTIVE: Mrs. Jackson, have you ever witnessed any inappropriate behavior between your husband and a child?

RACHAEL: Never. My husband has never acted inappropriately towards any child including our own. If he did I would have left him a long time ago. I'd never stay married to a man I didn't trust, but I know Michael's heart, and I trust him completely. He is incapable of hurting anyone let alone a child.

DETECTIVE: Ma'am, isn't it true that your husband has shared his bed several times with other people's children?

RACHAEL: Yes, but Michael was never in the bed with them. Whenever they wanted to sleep in our room he always gave them the bed while he and I slept in sleeping bags on the floor or slept in a guestroom. In fact, when Gavin and his brother came to our room night, not only was I in the room, but our son as well.

DETECTIVE: Mrs. Jackson, do you recall an incident that occurred in 1993 in which your husband shared a bed with Jordan Chandler, his first accuser?

RACHAEL: Yes, but if you remember Jordan's statement, he mentioned that our son was in the bed as well because he wanted daddy to sleep with him, and Michael was on the end while Prince slept in the middle.

DETECTIVE: Mrs. Jackson, if your husband was innocent, then why did he settle?

RACHAEL: Because I told him to. In fact, I was the one who paid them off, not Michael. He wasn't eating or sleeping and I was honestly worried that he was gonna kill himself. He was in horrible shape, so for the sake of his health I urged him to settle.

DETECTIVE: I see. Thank you for coming in Mrs. Jackson. We would like to speak with your children at some point as well.

RACHAEL: (sighs) Alright, I'll bring them in after the holidays.

DETECTIVE: Thank you. Have a nice day.

RACHAEL: (leaves)



RACHAEL: (comes in)

MICHAEL: How'd it go at the police station?

RACHAEL: It was the same as last time, they wanted to know if I noticed anything and if I trusted you and all that ridiculous bullshit. They wanna talk to the kids too.


RACHAEL: Sometime next week, after the holidays.

MICHAEL: What are you gonna tell them?

RACHAEL: (puts her head in her hands and sighs deeply) I don't know.

MICHAEL: Rachael, please don't tell them, don't tell them about what happened to me back in 93. Please.

RACHAEL: I'll figure it out, okay? (phone rings) (answers it) Hello?

PRINCE: (on the phone) Hi Rach.

RACHAEL: Oh, hi Prince, what's up?

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